Doom - The Dark Ages (2025)

32gb ram and 16 gb Vram minium for 4k
Not really, more like the point of diminishing returns; that's for 60fps at ultra settings and is probably conservative, leaving some wiggle room. Will likely be able to notch down textures or something else and squeeze the requirements a lot.
Meh, it's basically just Doom mixed with Painkiller...

Doom died at DOOM 3 when it was more fps horror/story

I used to play the Doom games, like you played for the story, atmosphere and worked my way through it at my own pace. With these new ones seems you have to be running and jumping around like a complete loon just to stay alive! No time to even take in whats going on around you. I guess people prefer that but not for me.
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I used to play the Doom games, like you played for the story, atmosphere and worked my way through it at my own pace. With these new ones seems you have to be running and jumping around like a complete loon just to stay alive! No time to even take in whats going on around you. I guess people prefer that but not for me.
I don't think people played Doom 1 or 2 for the story at all, Doom 3 was very much the outlier.
Massively excited for this. I've lost my love and enthusiasm for gaming a little over the past few years, but I felt Doom Eternal was outstanding - the most fun I've had in years!
Massively excited for this. I've lost my love and enthusiasm for gaming a little over the past few years, but I felt Doom Eternal was outstanding - the most fun I've had in years!
Know that feeling, the same here as well.

Not much that I see game wise that makes me want to get it etc.

Last game I got was Helldivers 2 and Diablo 4.

I hope the stuff about no jump isn't right - I didn't really pay enough attention to the footage so far to confirm though most of it was very horizontal. Sure original Doom didn't have it but that was due to limitations of the time and most people find having it, in later modifications of the engine, improves the game rather than takes anything away. I dislike the lack of it even in games like The Division and Hogwarts even though there you can context mantle in almost any situation jump would be useful and some other games I won't even bother with due to lack of jump.
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