Doom - The Dark Ages (2025)

32gb ram and 16 gb Vram minium for 4k
Not really, more like the point of diminishing returns; that's for 60fps at ultra settings and is probably conservative, leaving some wiggle room. Will likely be able to notch down textures or something else and squeeze the requirements a lot.
Meh, it's basically just Doom mixed with Painkiller...

Doom died at DOOM 3 when it was more fps horror/story
These games that recommend 32GB of ram... do they really use or need that much?

I find it hard to imagine that this game would use 20gb + ram to run optimally.
Meh, it's basically just Doom mixed with Painkiller...

Doom died at DOOM 3 when it was more fps horror/story

I used to play the Doom games, like you played for the story, atmosphere and worked my way through it at my own pace. With these new ones seems you have to be running and jumping around like a complete loon just to stay alive! No time to even take in whats going on around you. I guess people prefer that but not for me.
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I used to play the Doom games, like you played for the story, atmosphere and worked my way through it at my own pace. With these new ones seems you have to be running and jumping around like a complete loon just to stay alive! No time to even take in whats going on around you. I guess people prefer that but not for me.
I don't think people played Doom 1 or 2 for the story at all, Doom 3 was very much the outlier.
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