DPD - Follow My Parcel *5th August*

Anyone got the customer services number for when they miss the delivery window and don't leave a card and you can no longer see the map?

I can see that 5UB is helping you out on this one which is good, but I am sure that occasionally drivers do get held up for one reason or another, and in such cases they may perhaps attempt a delivery after the delivery window has passed.

In cases such as this though, where your parcel is still on the van, then I would expect the map to still be displayed, but it would appear that is not in fact the case... strange!
In that day, they deal with 3 million parcels, sometimes one depot can be too busy, so they split the load to the next closest depot. It also depends on the drivers route and area as to where he is delivering too.

Thanks. It's just that Basingstoke is much nearer! If I order a 12PM parcel, it will always come from Basingstoke but a normal parcel, it will come from Southampton, but not always. It seems Basingstoke is an Interlink depot too?

From OcUK, all of the parcels seem to go to Southampton, but from Amazon, not so much!
Stalking my Samsung evo SSD and my 2 WD HDD's. Great service from both Ocuk, and Dpd. Great example to a lot of other companies out there..*coughcoughCityLink*
Stalking my Samsung evo SSD and my 2 WD HDD's. Great service from both Ocuk, and Dpd. Great example to a lot of other companies out there..*coughcoughCityLink*

lol I'm stalking my 670! Its a great service, very impressed with DPD so far, and at least I don't have to wait in all day.
Meh its all very well and good getting a time, but id rather my stuff get here intact. I recently took delivery of a corsair 350d and the box was dented and the case inside was scratched. Will be ordering a new mobo/cpu/cooler/psu and few other bits either today or tommorow, fingers crossed nowt broken or i wont be happy!
Meh its all very well and good getting a time, but id rather my stuff get here intact. I recently took delivery of a corsair 350d and the box was dented and the case inside was scratched. Will be ordering a new mobo/cpu/cooler/psu and few other bits either today or tommorow, fingers crossed nowt broken or i wont be happy!

What happened when you complained, how did DPD respond?

Meh its all very well and good getting a time, but id rather my stuff get here intact. I recently took delivery of a corsair 350d and the box was dented and the case inside was scratched. Will be ordering a new mobo/cpu/cooler/psu and few other bits either today or tommorow, fingers crossed nowt broken or i wont be happy!

Things do get broken in transit - the difference is how company's deal with your complaint.
And lets face it, Ocuk, do tend to be the fastest with responses and solutions to our upgrading woes. I've used other companies and shipping firms before. Wait until you recieve a case that has had the side panel prised off over the securing thumbscrews.
I'm confident enough with Ocuk to order the majority of the components for an new custom Water cooled build. Rapid response and customer care are really worth a few extra pounds here and there, plus you have the added extra of 5UB going medieval on the offending party if owt does go wrong.
So i was looking forward to give this a try.

Unforutnately the guy woke me up with the doorbell ring. Never got to try the follow my parcel thing :(
Well its apparently a 15 minute delay for security reasons, but the delivery times have been spot on for me so far.
if i ordered somthing friday night should i expect it tommrow? Still says in wearhouse queue atm so im guessing they dont work bank hols?
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