Same here, but I look into this thread from time to time because I'm now curious as to why they were banned from Twitch. Although at this rate the answer will probably never be revealed.
I didn't see the point myself, but then someone who makes game lore videos I liked did some streaming and I thought I'd watch one for a bit while I was eating. The game was one I was idly thinking about maybe wanting to play and they'd just started it, so the stream was possibly of some relevance to me. They did it as a sort of real time game lore video, exploring and explaining on the go and with interaction with (and help from) viewers. It worked better than I was expecting and wasn't hyperactive attention seeking. It wasn't gripping viewing, but I was watching it as a recording after the stream had finished, so I played it on 2x speed and that worked better. I decided that I liked the game story but not the game mechanics, so I watched the whole series of streams of the very complete playthrough.