Dragon Age Inquisition

I have a mic connected, that works and I can't use it? There are no menus or options to speak of to enable voice chat?

It's always enabled, check control panel to see if it's using the mic by default, because it'll use your default recording device. Plus lots of other people don't talk on there.
Got given a side quest at the war table. Investigate something in the Hinterlands, so I thought I'd go back there and have a look... Ended up in a dunheon inside the Hinterlands that is probably bigger than the whole of DA2!

Is this Valanaar?

If so then I think i've missed something :(

When I went in it seemed, initially, like it was going to be huge but then turned out to be reasonably small.

Do I need to go back and re-evaluate?

Got the two cogs for the vault door. Killed the enemies and picked up the loot and then went through the door at the end which took me back to the beginning of the dungeon
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Yeah I thought it was going to be huge especially seeing the multiple floor icon in the top right for the first time... and it was close to a base camp.
Anyone else not able to unlock their specialisation. It tells me to go the war table to find the trainers but I can't see any?

Took me a while to find that to...

There should be a little instant complete mission on the map of Ferelden, to the west.
344.80 has helped with crashes a lot for me. I did a 4 hour stint with no crashes, then an hour and it crashed. Still better than the crashes every 2 hours.
344.80 has helped with crashes a lot for me. I did a 4 hour stint with no crashes, then an hour and it crashed. Still better than the crashes every 2 hours.
That driver actually made things worse for me. As soon as I installed it I started getting texture flickering and it didn't even solve me crashing to desktop every 10 minutes. Not gonna bother playing this till there is a proper performance fix.
The main plot is a strange beast, so far. Odd pacing.

The spoiler shows where I am and where I'm hitting my first difficultly roadblock. I may have to go back to an earlier save and prepare/grind more, which is a shame.... :(

Ah, the Last stand at the trebuchet bit... Ran in to this blind and my party is all kinds of sub-optimal. Having mages stand in the middle of a mass brawl is also trying my patience. Why are you standing there!!?! You are not a tank.

In my frustration during another round of "try to line up my mouse with the revive icon" while every one was dying around me, I may even have called Varric a fat useless git. :o (Sorry Varric, I liked you in DA2. :D).

As for stability, I've not had a single crash so far in about 20 hours of general play. AMD and Mantle have been a good combo.
where do people go after the Hinterlands. I did the quests there, went back to Haven, had a bit of a cut scene with the miserable one and then not much direction. So i went to the fell marshes where im probably a level or 2 too low! Im getting through it but with lots of visits to campsites to restock.

This game needs a healer class so badly!
where do people go after the Hinterlands. I did the quests there, went back to Haven, had a bit of a cut scene with the miserable one and then not much direction. So i went to the fell marshes where im probably a level or 2 too low! Im getting through it but with lots of visits to campsites to restock.

This game needs a healer class so badly!

Most zones cater for a range of levels, but try some of the Storm Coast or the Forbidden Oasis ... also go to Val Royeaux which will set in motion a chain of events that allows for the recruitment of additional companions. The Marsh area, as you've found, does seem to be geared for a higher level.
Really enjoying the game, but I am getting frustrated at the stability issues. When I first started the game, it took a good 45 minutes before it would decide not to crash on the main menu. Then when in game I got an issue where I could no longer change party members, which required to reload the game to fix it. Then there is the odd CTD, which is all cool and everything except I am a sucker for forgetting to save.

This is all standard for EA releases though, so what else would I expect?

I really like the crafting system, but I wish the different materials gave more variation in what stats it would change. I see many metals having the same stats boost, the only difference would be the colour of the weapon changes. That's cool and all, but it could have been more special if it gave more variance in it all.

I played in hinterlands for about 5 hours, before I realised that I was doing side quests, which is a big positive in that the side quests don't feel out of place with the game. Only problem is, there is so much to do, I skip most of it because I get concerned I will get fed up of the game before concluding the story. That's a fault of myself though, too impatient. So I am trying to complete side quests, but at the same time furthering the story a bit.

I do like it, it's no Origins, but it's a damn fine game all the same.
Wish the content scaled with level, soon gets boring clearing areas that are too easy with low level loot. :( Appears I only have dragons that are any challenge now, level 22.
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