Dragon Age Inquisition

Really enjoying the game, but I am getting frustrated at the stability issues.......

.....I played in hinterlands for about 5 hours, before I realised that I was doing side quests, which is a big positive in that the side quests don't feel out of place with the game. Only problem is, there is so much to do, I skip most of it because I get concerned I will get fed up of the game before concluding the story. That's a fault of myself though, too impatient. So I am trying to complete side quests, but at the same time furthering the story a bit.

I do like it, it's no Origins, but it's a damn fine game all the same.

Not had a single CTD yet luckily, with AMD card (7870) and DX11.

With sooo many quests in the Hinterlands, I got side tracked, as I do in these games. I've kinda forgotten where the main quest was meant to take me. Same happened in Skyrim - 1st city I found was Riften. Except DA:I levels monsters to an area to prevent this - at level 4 was fighting level 8 and 12 enemies (lvl 12's kept doing party wipe outs). As soon as I figured out where the appropriate leveled areas were, the game became so much more fun.

Overall it's growing on me....Just can't romance my favourite lady!
At level 9 now. Playing on Hard mode. Has been hard work dealing with some enemies. Bears are very annoying. Especially when there's more than one. The first revenant I came across was a PITA, along with the two desire(?)demons. Died a lot there. Two of my warriors' health seems to disappear in a second. Bull is the worst. Still early in the game I guess, so it ought to improve.
Don't like how I want to snipe with archer or mage and I order my companions to hold position.... next thing I know my main character - a rogue dual wielder - is running off on a suicide mission. I hate the limited tactics, it's a massive downgrade from the first DA.
Ermmm ok so i have a problem!

Enabled controller in options to have a go to see what its like.
Controller doesn't work (official xbox 360) and now i cant navigate to turn controller off!
Any ideas anyone please? :confused:

Currently repairing game through origin! il see how that goes. But any other suggestions? Would be great.
Done and dusted. All dragons dead too. :)

Going to give it an 7.5 out of 10 overall, reasons in spoiler tag.

"mainly because it all becomes a bit trivial once you get higher levels plus the vast number of "purple" looted items you get are all relatively weak compared to crafted items(500 dps crafted daggers.....).

Also no loot on the end boss!
Done and dusted. All dragons dead too. :)

Going to give it an 7.5 out of 10 overall, reasons in spoiler tag.

"mainly because it all becomes a bit trivial once you get higher levels plus the vast number of "purple" looted items you get are all relatively weak compared to crafted items(500 dps crafted daggers.....).

Also no loot on the end boss!

What was your playtime getting to that stage, any idea?
71 hours total play time, probably about 70 hours of that collecting herbs.............:p

Cant see me playing through again, maybe if there is some interesting DLC.
What's the verdict? Buy now or wait for the 1st patch?

How demanding is it visually, wondering if I should upgrade my graphics card now...
What's the verdict? Buy now or wait for the 1st patch?

How demanding is it visually, wondering if I should upgrade my graphics card now...

It would be really worth it, especially now with some very good deals on at the moment. The game looks amazing with high/ultra settings :)

Edit: No idea what your budget is but heres some amazing cards for very silly cheap prices:





The weakest out of those cards I linked you would be a huge huge difference in performance for you matey :)
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Im 25 hours, trying to finish everything in one playthrough...basically haven't scratched the surface. I would say them are about the same in how awesome and gripping this game is.
I finished DA:O about 3 times including the expansion. I cant see myself doing it with this game more than twice as its just huge and I got quite a back list of games.

Just buy it, if you enjoyed origins, just do it.
Nope, hardly touched some areas. I found once I was higher level than a particular area it was just a bit tedious as there is no challenge.

I was on hard, perhaps should have put the level up.

Oh. So with that in mind my main concern with this game would be - as much as I want to play it - whether I'll have time for it!

Reckon I'll have around 4 hours per day over a ten-day period coming up just before and over Christmas, and then it will be back to finding it very hard to fit any extended game time around work and family.

Still, if I don't play it then, I probably never will. And it does sound worth it (I was a huge fan of DA:O and DA:A)...
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