Dragon Age Inquisition

Ah, I think that's like one of the few I've yet to see. Trying to complete them in level order, to avoid the tedium of going back to a level 7 area at level 20.
Ah, I think that's like one of the few I've yet to see. Trying to complete them in level order, to avoid the tedium of going back to a level 7 area at level 20.

Good idea, I didn't do the main Exalted Plains missions until after I had finished the main plot (I was around level 20 I think) and it was a disappointing cake walk. I'd recommend at least level 17 for Emprise du Lion.
Not even close to being the buggies game ever.

That said I've left it until it gets a bit more love on pc such as ui etc...

It's nowhere near the buggiest game ever though; DAO still has more bugs in it than I have seen from DAI and that has been out five years and had numerous patches. The memory leak issue alone still makes DAA unplayable for me.
In terms of sheer number of bugs and issues, I have never seen anything come close.... And for those saying they haven't had many, you are almost certainly wrong. There are many issues with the game that people aren't even realising are bugs. The number of time people have said on the DA forum that they don't like some kind of design, only to be told that actually thay is a big is just silly.

And the nature of some of the bugs is very worrying as well. In a game that people really praise and look forward to party banter, how can you release it with going through a while game without getting one single piece?!

The game is actually a mess, it is just that a lot of the problems it had are often not noticed.
In terms of sheer number of bugs and issues, I have never seen anything come close.... And for those saying they haven't had many, you are almost certainly wrong. There are many issues with the game that people aren't even realising are bugs. The number of time people have said on the DA forum that they don't like some kind of design, only to be told that actually thay is a big is just silly.

And the nature of some of the bugs is very worrying as well. In a game that people really praise and look forward to party banter, how can you release it with going through a while game without getting one single piece?!

The game is actually a mess, it is just that a lot of the problems it had are often not noticed.

If this is a mess, then I'll be really happy to see it when it's cleaned up.

For me, the only bugs (besides flickering textures which I expect to see fixed with driver updates), are the occasional conversation bug where it plays two different voices at the same time (supposedly fixed by the latest patch, not seen it since), the mounts constantly deciding to drop out of gallop upon hitting a pebble, and the occasional pathfinding bug with enemy AI. I've had a couple one-offs like where I couldn't change to another party member until I reloaded my game, but after 70hrs of gameplay I can live with it happening just once. That's it. Nothing gamebreaking, nothing that drives me mad as I'm playing it. I'm still really enjoying it, and once it gets a bit of polish from patches I think it'll be perfect.

Maybe I'm just used to totally broken games being released these days (looking at you BF4), but this has been relatively painless as far as launch bugs go.
I didn't experience many bugs in my first playthrough(or at least I thought I didn't!), but that doesn't mean they don't exist....As I said, most people probably won't even notice half of the bugs in the game as they are fairly small and hard to spot, but they are certainly there.

Some of them are so basic as well. I'll give you a few examples...I started a thread on the DA forums asking why they had removed combos from the game since DA2, and the response I got was that there were combos in the game and it was a bug. I played through the entire game with no music playing, I thought the world seemed dead...yep, a bug. I had a stall in Skyhold with nobody standing by it, thought it was odd so asked the point of it, turned out it was supposed to be manned. I went through the game with everyone calling my female elf 'sir'. Not major, but still there.

And I haven't even had some of the more well known one like the Hawke voice-change one or the broken elf arms.

There is an incredible lack of attention to detail in the game, not just with bugs as well, but the general game. Playing through the game a 2nd time I was amazed with how different it was...Some things were working completely differently!

Compare it to skyirm, which had a fair few game-breaking bugs on release, and it seems ok, but in terms of number, I've not seen a game with more than this.
Yeah I see what you mean, but they can patch these out fairly easily. They are wrinkles in an otherwise smooth carpet that can be smoothed out. While they SHOULD be fixed before release, it has at least allowed for enjoyable gameplay rather than dumping a totally broken mess in our laps. I think it is hard to catch some bugs without a beta, but I do agree that some should definitely be cleaned up and should have been spotted. Doesn't stop me enjoying the game a lot though! I intend to play through with another class after I finish my mage run. I think I'll be a rogue and will be a complete *******, because I've been really good this time.
I didn't experience many bugs in my first playthrough(or at least I thought I didn't!), but that doesn't mean they don't exist....As I said, most people probably won't even notice half of the bugs in the game as they are fairly small and hard to spot, but they are certainly there.

Some of them are so basic as well. I'll give you a few examples...I started a thread on the DA forums asking why they had removed combos from the game since DA2, and the response I got was that there were combos in the game and it was a bug. I played through the entire game with no music playing, I thought the world seemed dead...yep, a bug. I had a stall in Skyhold with nobody standing by it, thought it was odd so asked the point of it, turned out it was supposed to be manned. I went through the game with everyone calling my female elf 'sir'. Not major, but still there.

And I haven't even had some of the more well known one like the Hawke voice-change one or the broken elf arms.

There is an incredible lack of attention to detail in the game, not just with bugs as well, but the general game. Playing through the game a 2nd time I was amazed with how different it was...Some things were working completely differently!

Compare it to skyirm, which had a fair few game-breaking bugs on release, and it seems ok, but in terms of number, I've not seen a game with more than this.

I didn't get any of that, nor have I had any issues with party banter either. I have seen the issues that Devrij mentioned and also some visual area load things, where the Inquisition soldiers in the camps are floating in mid air, but nothing major at all. Even if I had all of that though, it is still not even the buggiest BioWare game, let alone of all time.

It's not a perfect game by any means, and there are parts that feel under-developed (as ideas, if not in content) but there is a reason it won Game of the Year and RPG of the Year at the Game Awards last week.
The new 14.12's, or Omega's, got released the past couple of days.

Did 3 things last night
- updated to the Omega drivers
- applied Bioware mini-patch
- verified DA:I files

Soo much better now - silky smooth now, and not a single CTD in over 3 hours.
No idea which made it better, but only took half an hour.

Happy days :cool:
I am pleased for you, but these issues do exist, and many, many more....Some people can't even start the game.

I'm sure that is true for every PC game ever released though. It's impossible to account for every combination of hardware/drivers/software etc. that a user could have.
Really can't get on with the controls on this. Am I getting old and everyone's using gamepads for these games now?

Why do I have to hold a mouse button for freelook? Have I missed a setting?
I've finally completed the game! That ending......

Although there are some massive bugs in the game I found none of them game breaking just more annoying than anything else.

Crafting needs a lot more love as it's practically useless for someone having a warrior sword and shield build and they need to fix the issue with npc disappearing.
I do hope they bring out some decent dlc soon as well, there's a lot of things for them to clear up and I do miss my warden :(
33 hours in and I've not seen any of these bugs that some of you mention.

It's like you go out of your way to find them. This is a fantastic game in many, many ways. The best 30 quid I've spent on a game in years
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