About 37 hours in now, still enjoying it and still hooked.
Finding some things a bit grating though. The camera in battles is still a pig to control and get a good scan of the battlefield. The companion AI is awful and the options for tailoring their behavior woefully limited. I feel like Graham Taylor at times: "Solas? What the **** was he doing in the middle of the melee?"
I'm also a bit peeved now I'm level 12 (with three bonus skills) that I can't add anymore skills to my hotbar without removing some that are already there. Only eight active skills. The mage feels a bit limited compared to how much there was for them to do in previous games. Balancing that, though, I suppose, is the other classes becoming a bit more interesting. I like the specialisations too.
Not quite certain of best party yet. I've been running me as knight-enchanter, Solas as spirit-heavy rift mage, Cassandra as sword and shield main tank, and Sera as ranged dps. This can work brilliantly at times, but in longer fights with multiple enemies I find I do lose control of the battlefield at times. Maybe this will improve as my companions and I get deeper into our specialisation trees.
As many people have said too - the game is so big. It's enormous!