Dragon Age: The Veilguard

But you need to game to affirm to everyone else that you are He/Him, or maybe you don't like the idea of gender at all because its Tuesday afternoon so now you're a body type, so long as its not an attractive one, androgynes and morbidly obese, yes? :D
For the immersion of the player base leave it optional/toggles is all im sayin. P.S I ain't morbidly obese nor do I dye my hair :p , I just like the remnants of what were great RPG games of old.
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But you need to game to affirm to everyone else that you are He/Him, or maybe you don't like the idea of gender at all because its Tuesday afternoon so now you're a body type, so long as its not an attractive one, androgynes and morbidly obese, yes? :D

Oi! Leave me out of this. :mad:
We had same sex character relationships even back with DA:O, not sure why it still needs to be referenced as a 'feature' these days.

Am I the only one who really couldn't give a rats ass about my Fighter dwarf copping off with some other team member...Maybe I old and its not meant for me.
Speaking of evil characters, that seems to be fair criticism of this game. Why can't we play as evil characters any longer? Bioware had this as an option in there games for such a long time and that's what made them great for multiple replays and different endings etc. Some of the funniest, and best dialog in these games are when your character and chosen companions are a complete unadulterated unhinged maniacs . By allowing to play this way, they punished the player in many other ways that would occur in real life, being hunted by guards, being caught stealing, npc's being intimidated by you etc. Bounty hunters, one could go on.

This is my main issue, from what people are saying it's playing a little too safe - this and not carrying much in the way of choices over is a big let down, especially as DA:I allowed you to make some real big choices too. I've definitely done play throughs where I upset as many people as possible by being an absolute tyrant, and if that's not possible it does lose a bit of what made DragonAge what it was.
I still can't get over the appearance of Qunari in this game. Who signed off that was ok?

Everything I've seen so far tells me it's average at best, trying to appear to the most players with the writing quality of primary school. I think AI would have done a better job than some of the clips I've seen. Options during character creation is fine but there impact needs to be intelligently interwoven with the dialogue if used.

It's annoying as I enjoyed the previous DA games and lore. Character focused, immersive rpgs are great.
This is my main issue, from what people are saying it's playing a little too safe - this and not carrying much in the way of choices over is a big let down, especially as DA:I allowed you to make some real big choices too. I've definitely done play throughs where I upset as many people as possible by being an absolute tyrant, and if that's not possible it does lose a bit of what made DragonAge what it was.
Add to that the dialogue looks like it was written by a 7 year old.
I did actually watch this one, because it said he 100% completed it which I figured would give a better idea than somebody on twitter who said they pretended to be trans to get review code, played the game for 3 hours and decided it was trash.

Did you watch skill-ups?
You're being disingenuous. It's clear everyone in this thread is talking about social media reviews. Print media hasn't been a "thing" for about 20 years.

This is what he always does, tries to find way to negate the views of everyone by being pedantic. Doesn't matter what it is, Vincent will white knight for any source of "authority".
Seriously ? Are you that naive ? Marketing teams look at channels, YouTubers etc all the time to determine who is likely to give a favourable response. Happens in all walks of life, not just gaming. Given Bioware's precarious situation ( in terms of future viability ) they have been very selective this time round with who gets codes for Dragon Age. Does this guarantee someone will give a positive review ? No, but you can be damn sure they won't receive another code from from EA for future releases if they don't follow the party line.

edit. And as for your comment about bashing the game for months. Many of the mainstream channels that didn't receive codes were previously on good terms with EA, in fact sites like Fextralife have maintained a strong Dragon Age community for years. Denying those sites access isn't a good look ; to the consumer it appears as if EA/Bioware are trying to hide the truth or have a lack of confidence in their product.

He's not naive, it's just his usual White Knight act.
They also get offered incentives to leave a positive review and get given scripts of words and sentences they need to include.

Sounds like when Amazon had that Oxford trip for shill CC's for ROP, and they all came out repeating the same things - because they were given what amounted to a script.
It's not naivety - I literally don't watch Youtube reviewers. Ironically because they are far more likely to be biased IMO than traditional written reviews.

I also have never used Twich, never watched anyone else play a game, I don't use Twitter/X and I don't even play multiplayer games very often.

I'm a middle-aged man, the only weird trends I see online all come from this forum. It all seemed to start with toxic Gamergate ****, then started affecting movies and TV shows and now seems to be what people prefer to spend hours arguing about. I barely contributed to this thread prior to the reviews coming out.

When genuinely great movies and TV shows do come along, people don't seem to comment much about them.
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For sure!! Addictive game...

Annoyingly, Bioware's core audience isn't Origins :mad:
I still play on occasion the original DAO, WabbaJack has quite a good mod collection called A Humble Warden, there was even a recent nexus mod using DXVK that helps with the memory leak. But in my experience it just delays it which is still a vast improvement. Giant ass texture pack mods will still kill the game, alas 32bit application and all.
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