Video games used to be made by video gamers for gamers, it was not an industry of particular note, actually quite niche, in the last decade and especially during covid the gaming industry has grown in to something of a leviathan.
That has attracted a lot of investment, people who see a bandwagon and jump on it to extract as much money from it as possible, these people know nothing about the gaming industry or gamers, they think they know how to maximise profits, like making your product appeal to the most people possible, so not for kids only, not for adults only, but both, don't do anything that might upset someone, don't take any risks of any kind, make it inclusive to everyone, if you do all of that then everyone will like your product, right?
So how do you do that? Well that is simple, there are lots of consultancy firms who for a fee will tell you everything that is wrong with you, your company, its employees, your product and how to fix it, of course if your company and its products didn't have all these problems there would be no reason for these people to exist. So prepare for never being satisfactory to these people.
And this is how talented people get pushed out for not thinking in the right way, replaced by vapid, airheaded, talentless people who end every sentence with a downward inflection like its a ****** question, people who obnoxiously put effort in to sounding unthreatening. *yuck*.
This is why games are boring but safe garbage, the woke stuff is just part of this 'widest possible appeal' and the thing is once you're faced with a woke activist giving you an emotional spiel about how you can make a difference in the world it sounds plausible and may even appeal to your ego, if you don't have such an ego the vialed threats of how you, your company and its product might be portrayed if you don't comply would sure as **** do it.
This is why i'm comfortable watching it all burn to the ground because getting trapped in all ^^^^ mess needs to be seen as the far greater threat than the actual threats.
Video games used to be made by video gamers for gamers, it was not an industry of particular note, actually quite niche, in the last decade and especially during covid the gaming industry has grown in to something of a leviathan.
That has attracted a lot of investment, people who see a bandwagon and jump on it to extract as much money from it as possible, these people know nothing about the gaming industry or gamers, they think they know how to maximise profits, like making your product appeal to the most people possible, so not for kids only, not for adults only, but both, don't do anything that might upset someone, don't take any risks of any kind, make it inclusive to everyone, if you do all of that then everyone will like your product, right?
So how do you do that? Well that is simple, there are lots of consultancy firms who for a fee will tell you everything that is wrong with you, your company, its employees, your product and how to fix it, of course if your company and its products didn't have all these problems there would be no reason for these people to exist. So prepare for never being satisfactory to these people.
And this is how talented people get pushed out for not thinking in the right way, replaced by vapid, airheaded, talentless people who end every sentence with a downward inflection like its a ****** question, people who obnoxiously put effort in to sounding unthreatening. *yuck*.
This is why games are boring but safe garbage, the woke stuff is just part of this 'widest possible appeal' and the thing is once you're faced with a woke activist giving you an emotional spiel about how you can make a difference in the world it sounds plausible and may even appeal to your ego, if you don't have such an ego the vialed threats of how you, your company and its product might be portrayed if you don't comply would sure as **** do it.
This is why i'm comfortable watching it all burn to the ground because getting trapped in all ^^^^ mess needs to be seen as the far greater threat than the actual threats.