Can I get a name to the German supplier? Or a link
not heard of one for blade but these do PD
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heard mixed reviews though
Can I get a name to the German supplier? Or a link
Can I get a name to the German supplier? Or a link
So tempted by a Perfect Draft machine but looks like I'll have to wait for stock. Aldi are supposed to be getting some for £199 which seems a good deal.
Think I'll have a look at the Blade.PD + blade.
Blade is better quality as I said before, but beer quality is pretty similar with both.... better than pub pints.
IMO the edelweiss wheat beer on the blade is better than the Hoegaarden on the PD, the blade selection has definitely improved into better beers, Lagunitas IPA is good while the PD seems to be following the rubbish, I mean they just released Tennent's dishwater.
No love for the krups?
PD + blade.
Blade is better quality as I said before, but beer quality is pretty similar with both.... better than pub pints.
IMO the edelweiss wheat beer on the blade is better than the Hoegaarden on the PD, the blade selection has definitely improved into better beers, Lagunitas IPA is good while the PD seems to be following the rubbish, I mean they just released Tennent's dishwater.
No love for the krups?
I quite like the idea of 2L subs as they're easier to prechill and after a few pints you can swap for something different?
What's the time for these from fridge to drinking? If the machine needs to cool extra?
You’ve got Goose IPA on PD as well as Drunken Sailor which is far better than Lagunitas.
I think the PD v Blade argument is a bit like Nvidia V AMD.
I just struggle to justify a PD when the beers are ~£3 a pint and i can get some beers i enjoy a lot more in can form for that.
Thanks, i was only looking at the headline price, i suppose with the additional discounts it's actually much better.
It's a weird thing where you have a machine and then add some pre-packaged ingredients, add water and leave it for a while to home brew yeah. It needs storing in the fridge though so i imagine that's part of why it's cheaper as they don't need to design a better unit. Works out around £1.30 a pint