Drip coffee thread

is this like the vietnamese style drip things or are you talking more fancy?

got a few of them in the cupboard from a trip, only ever used them with the civet coffee I bought, my problem is having the grinder set up for espresso I can never be bothered to change the settings all the way back for course!

might try a side by side comparison using the same beans - be a good taste test
The bonavita variable temps are so nice, but much more expensive here. I think the 1.7l variable electric retails at $119 over there - can't find one for under £100 here, even the boggo electric is £95 on the rainforest.
Ok, got me a V60 on its way. I gave Pact another go and found a code for a free V60 for new signups. FREEV60 if you haven't used Pact before.

I was quite prepared to splash out £20 on a Clever dripper from the coffee place in town but she doesn't stock them, only a Chinese copy of a ceramic V60 which was a bit too expensive. This seems like a good way to give it a go :)

We have urns at work for boiling water on tap, which is just perfect control for dripping :D
So how come drip coffee isn't cold by the time you get to it? Even though I warm my aeropress, cup etc religiously when brewing, by the time it's brewed it's basically at drinking temperature.
So how come drip coffee isn't cold by the time you get to it? Even though I warm my aeropress, cup etc religiously when brewing, by the time it's brewed it's basically at drinking temperature.
How long do you leave it for? Do you use boiling water, or boiled water than you've left to cool slightly?
When I use my Aeropress, I leave it for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, then press. After a drop more water added to the mug, it's still piping hot.
Oh don't get me wrong it's still hot. But I like my coffee hot :p If I'm using my insulated mug it stays too hot to drink for a few mins. If I'm using a regular (warmed) mug it's just-about drinkeable by the time I take it through to the lounge.

I boil the kettle and leave it for 2mins with the lid off. Pour, and brew in the inverted AP for 45-60secs before plunging.
Oh don't get me wrong it's still hot. But I like my coffee hot :p If I'm using my insulated mug it stays too hot to drink for a few mins. If I'm using a regular (warmed) mug it's just-about drinkeable by the time I take it through to the lounge.

I boil the kettle and leave it for 2mins with the lid off. Pour, and brew in the inverted AP for 45-60secs before plunging.
I'm thinking you have a high heat-pain threshold :D!
My coffee will usually last me at least 20 minutes. I love it as it cools right down, depending on the beans used, it can really bring out different flavours.
^ I agree with that - let it cool a bit, see how the flavours change. Some of the funkier coffees (ethiopians etc) really seem to come in to their own as they drop in temp. Certaintly get a little bit more kick in mine.
Regarding Aeropress, when a recipe calls for say 85c water, is it best to stop at 85c or reach a boil then drop to 85c? Or does it not really matter :p
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