Drip coffee thread

Do folks with Chemex / V60 pre-warm the flask and even cup ?
I would like such a machine for work/home but with the smaller quantity you need to be dripping straight into drinking cup - no ?
otherwise it will loose temperature fast - not a cool/iced coffee fan

I thought this article for genetic profile for fast/slow caffeine metabolism was interesting, given ongoing debate about whether caffeine will help/hinder brain 'function' (but maybe the researchers are having too much caffeine)
Have a Kalita, a nice Japanese swan neck and a Rhino grinder which I have partially worn out as I stick my Dewalt drill on the end :D

I really enjoy the process. Apart from the drill noise it is quite calming lol.

I enjoy grinding my coffee by hand, it's all a part of the experience!

I think I'll be treating myself to a Kalita wave set for the house when I move in... which drip kettle did you go for, Fino or Takahiro?

Do folks with Chemex / V60 pre-warm the flask and even cup ?
I would like such a machine for work/home but with the smaller quantity you need to be dripping straight into drinking cup - no ?
otherwise it will loose temperature fast - not a cool/iced coffee fan

I thought this article for genetic profile for fast/slow caffeine metabolism was interesting, given ongoing debate about whether caffeine will help/hinder brain 'function' (but maybe the researchers are having too much caffeine[/I

I have the ceramic V60, its worth pre-heating it to prevent it sucking up the heat during the brewing process. I just add extra water to my kettle, then before adding the coffee I give the drip and filter paper a pour over and discard the water - I've got the unbleached papers which can taste papery if I don't give it a quick swill.

As for that article, how would one know if they metabolise caffeine quickly or not - I would definitely say I'm sensitive to it and feel burnt out if I drink too much, that's why I stick to around 14g coffee (up to 195mg caffeine) per day. Also it doesn't give a profile on the people who were at greater risk of heart disease. For instance, I train all week, eat well and am lean - would I still be at risk?

I suppose I could treat myself to a 23andme test to find out :D

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I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone selling robusta beans, it's pretty much drilled into us that robusta is bad. Would be interesting to try some really good robusta, sure it'd be better than bad Arabica.
Only place I've found google if is rave that do a green robusta, I think there's something against roasting robusta in the same machine as arabica. Not sure why though.
I've never seen it either. I think it could be a thing!

I think it's generally added to blends to add the bitterness and caffeine. I'd be really interested to try a straight robusta if it exists.
OK thanks for the pre-heat info.

Yes the genetic test are a bit expensive, but had not realised the tech for coffee analysis was so advanced (driven by athletics I suppose) but would now be more intrigued to get an analysis (albeit google advertising would become more personal)

The rave Italian (just had the morning ristretto) has, as they advertise, a dash of robusta, but in espresso it is for crema and with faster extraction rate apparently espresso has less caffeine per bean quantity.
Have to inspect the beans and see if I can identify the longer robusta beans.
I wonder how well they mix it in since in the 40 or so beans for an espresso could have variability cup by cup.
Do folks with Chemex / V60 pre-warm the flask and even cup ?

Yes but the real aim is to blanch the Chemex filter and remove the papery taste that it can impact. So I pour a kettle of water through the filter into the Chemex then when boiling the kettle again I'll pour the water from the Chemex into my cup.
I stick with my 6 year old Aeropress which I use almost every day and never lets me down :). I didn't enjoy using the Clever Dripper at work, and I wouldn't use my Chemex either as it is a more dedicated process, having to constantly watch and top up the water level. I found that the filters recommended for the clever dripper weren't that good, so have been using my Chemex filters instead, and they do work better.
As for my grinder, I prefer my Porlex (although I need a new one) over the Hario Skerton Coffee Mill. My Zassenhaus could also do with a good clean.

Was on the cusp of buying a Clever dripper to keep at work, can you give any more detail as to why you didn't like it?
I haven't touched any of other coffee making tools (even my expensive espresso machine) since I got the small (3-cup/1 pint) chemex for Christmas - it makes such a tasty coffee!
Was on the cusp of buying a Clever dripper to keep at work, can you give any more detail as to why you didn't like it?
It is good and can make a lovely cup of coffee, but I found that it was more of a faff to use than the Aeropress, which makes great coffee so simply. See also my comment above about the Clever Dripper filter papers.
pretty sure i asked before but forgot, wheres everyone getting beans from? especially decaff, but I want caffeinated as well.

Just ordered a hario cold brew set up and burr hand grinder.

Iced coffee in the morning with essentially zero prep time, here i come.
Then if i want some in the evening then decaff version.
thanks, now just have to wait for everything to arrive.
got a few to try from rave

Fudge Blend Evolution
Papua New Guinea Kunjin1
Indian Monsooned Malabar
Sparkling Water Decaf Blend
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