Driveclub more details

18 Sep 2010
It's really not... You just get rammed and loose points.

Sorry are negative comments not allowed did I miss something.

Are other peoples opinions not allowed if you don't like them?

I think the AI is pretty decent compared to other racing games anyway. I don't really care about losing 200 points every now and then.
24 Dec 2004
You came to that conclusion in 4 minutes!!!???? Seriously must you troll every new release thread with mindless comments about how crap the game is?????

Never said it was crap just said the Ai is crap. The handling and graphics are superb in my opinion.

It's a lot better than expected apart from the Ai.

How about reading what is posted.
29 Jul 2014
Well first impressions. As soon as the first race loaded with the Mercedes a class, my first thought was "damn there's some jaggies"

Once I got driving I forgot about the jaggies, I was too busy concentrating on the actual race. The a.i is aggressive but I still came first in every race and by some margin too (must be on easy difficulty)

Managed to just complete the hot hatch challenge, got full 6 stars and unlocked the Audi a1.

The graphics get better with each track, and the lighting, oh my, the most realistic lighting I've seen in a game.

Also this game is without a doubt the only racing game (aside from wipeout) where the sense of speed feels great. In other racing games you can be doing 150mph and it doesn't feel fast. But on this I was doing about 110 down hill on a tight road and it felt fast.

Definite positive impressions so far. Anyway off to Norway in the Audi A1....

Not bothered about online yet, will give me a chance to smash out all the tours etc and unlock the cars. Then once online is on I can build up my club level and unlock the club cars
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24 Dec 2004
The sense of speed is great. I like the way you see other cars coming up in your mirrors.

This will be superb once the online parts are enabled.

So far came expecting the worse from reviews but apart from the AI it's very good.
12 May 2005
Well replay mode is something it needs, I'd love to see how I did and also just marvel at Norway. sense of speed is immense..

so far it's ok, music is naff. Not my style but the driving is fun.. it's no SIM, reminds me of pgr3 or even msr on dreamcast if anyone remembers that game
17 Oct 2002
Quick feedback before bed, played 30 minutes.

its pretty damn good, feels like its running at 60 fps
really smooth
controls are good too, graphics are sweet, some aliasing on some cars, others are smooth
sounds are good
tires are a little screechy at times
MP isnt working at all
27 Feb 2012
after trying this out I've decided it is what it is :) a barebones arcade racer,yes it looks nice most of the time few jaggies now and then but i can live with that.The sounds are ok,maybe a bit to much screeching :D tha AI is bloody awful,the music and presentation of menus etc are .......not the greatest or most enjoyable.once the novelty of the graphics wear off this gonna be bloody boring to play unless the online is amazing but after reading comments elsewhere about the lack of penalties for hitting/ramming other cars online and races being like mario kart in that the person who gets off the line quickest and avoids getting rammed is impossible to catch.
i really can't see what they did in the time during the delay other than strip features and get really anal with particle effects and fancy lighting etc a lot of the little details they wasted time putting in you don't notice unless your not moving,it also concerns me that they are having online issues and the weather effects are to come sometime in the future :confused: what the hells that about ?? they are basically saying hey please buy this game that we delayed but still aint finished! and they know people will buy because its the only racer on ps4 and they needed to get it out before project cars,also there is the fact that in the time this was announced and released there has been 2 forza games!!!!
I'm honestly scratching my head :confused:

ill wait until they finally finish this game before pass final judgment but from what i have seen so far one thing comes to mind :( you can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter.

ps if you like it great :D just my opinion
29 Jul 2014
Well that's 2 hours sunk into the game. Unlocked a few fast cars, most recent one being the lotus and tried it out in Scotland. The game literally looks photo realistic at times when you disable the osd in dashboard cam, and the game has really opened up now, if you thought the hot hatches felt fast the lotus is in another league, and my god the sound.

The game definitely gets better the further you are into it. Obviously the fundamental things that baldmonk mentioned won't change in the short term I.e a.i, menus etc but for those that are currently happy with the game you'll enjoy it even more.

However I can see why this game got low review scores, while I like it so far, it is a bit rough around the edges, and there's no doubt in my mind that this game is unfinished, kinda like an 80% build. The a.I is also really poor, they literally stick to their pre determined racing line, and you're pretty much invisible. If you're in their way they barge you, as opposed to adapting to your movements.

I'm certainly looking forward to the patches evolution have planned to really get the game the way they visioned it. Unfortunately the question is will people still care about driveclub by the time those patches arrive.....

As it stands It was worth the 29 quid I paid, I'd not have been happy paying full price retail for it I.e 50 quid.

7 out of 10 in my opinion currently, with real potential to make it excellent. Just add the weather, replays, improve the a.I, sort the online and polish the rough edges and it could be a 9....
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11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
I'm looking forward to playing this tonight, after all the highs and lows, I am now ready. If it's average, I need not worry, it only cost me £29. I'm looking forward to getting online the most and getting points for the --OCUK Ninja Squirrels-- :D
13 Aug 2008
Question re the ai as I haven't had chance to play it. Under normal racing rules if you take a racing line you shouldn't when overtaking you can expect to get hit and the opponent to not be penalised and instead you would be, likewise you should expect your opponent to not say undercut you on a corner when there is no chance of them getting passed.

Is the AI pulling illegal passing manoeuvres or are those complaining about the AI trying to pull illegal manoeuvres and not liking getting hit.
24 Sep 2013
Having played for 2hrs now folk are making far to much of the "penalty" it and you'll forget all about it.

AI are pretty good actually, I've seen a few overtaking each other and also making mistakes and hitting barriers.

Really enjoyable game tbh

Play it...then form an opinion.
I'll do an indepth write-up later

Summery is "Grown-up version of Project Gotham Racing.......very solid 8/10"

I love it so far, can't see me rushing to put GT6 on any time soon.
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