Driveclub more details

17 Apr 2014
Only played for an hour this morning before work so can't really judge it fully yet, but loving it so far.

Graphics and handling of the cars is great, the A.I can be a bit aggressive but I like that definitely more of a challenge. The tracks are well designed and I enjoyed every one I drove on.

Looking forward to playing it a bit more tonight and over the weekend. Thoroughly recommend people try this, some of the bad reviews this is getting is really unfair. Had an absolute blast playing it personally
24 Sep 2013
Too add: I can't wait to whack the 5.1 right up this sounded good on lowest volume setting in the early hours....Looking back I should have put Trittons on so I could really hear it without waking up the house
12 May 2005
Ripon, North Yorkshire
You're not wrong there. I actually squinted when the sun suddenly started shining through the trees in my face as I was tearing downhill lol

tell me about it just tried moving my own head not the drivers to get the glare out of my eyes lol really enjoying it so far, the point deductions are a bit ott i get rear ended (thats what she said :D) and i am the one getting points taken of :(
10 Nov 2006
Also liking this a lot, all in all 8/10 so far for me.

Few things that stand out for me from other racers in the past:

The cambers, dips and bumps in the road have massive effect on your cars handling especially at high speed, the car hops and slides when your not excepting it to very much like real life catching you unaware at times.

The graphics are second to none, really nice, you soon forget about a couple of jaggy edges.

Sense of speed is incredible when your topping 120mph+, again the handling matches it spot on with the car feeling lighter on the road.

Lighting effects are excellent making it really hard to see at times, just when you need to mid-bend.

Some not so good points:

A.I seems a bit simple, though I enjoy the aggressiveness

Where’s the BLOODY ONLINE??

Sound effects seem ok but a little tame, maybe I need to unlock a few more cars which have louder sounding exhausts as standard, but I would imagine the cars I have so far are pretty well muffled from the factory.
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19 Oct 2002
Having played for 2hrs now folk are making far to much of the "penalty" it and you'll forget all about it..

I don't understand what the problem is with the penalty system, I actually like the idea, one of the issues I had with Forza Horizon 2 is the lack of penalty which encourages corner cutting etc.
28 Jan 2003
I don't understand what the problem is with the penalty system, I actually like the idea, one of the issues I had with Forza Horizon 2 is the lack of penalty which encourages corner cutting etc.

But Forza Horizon 2 is built around that aspect, would be very stupid to penalise people for it.
29 Jul 2014
Sound effects seem ok but a little tame, maybe I need to unlock a few more cars which have louder sounding exhausts as standard, but I would imagine the cars I have so far are pretty well muffled from the factory.

Just wait until you try the RS5 and lotus :)

I don't understand what the problem is with the penalty system, I actually like the idea, one of the issues I had with Forza Horizon 2 is the lack of penalty which encourages corner cutting etc.

I personally have no issue with the corner penalty. It gives you 3 seconds to get back on the track before it penalises you.

I think what some people have issues with is when someone hits the back of you and you get penalised.
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17 Oct 2002
Having played another hour this morning I think I can give it a better mini-review.

The game looks great in motion, there are a few little niggles that I've noticed and some that NokkonWud pointed out to me from one of my shared videos.

The rear view mirror, the image looks distorted and tends to hide a lot of track details such as missing scenery and foliage etc.

Aliasing, not sure what is going on with this... some cars look super smooth, others look very jagged around the edges. Though I only use the interior cam. (there are 2 cockpit cams with and without steering wheel)

The colours seem off to me, I don't know if it is my screen or what, they just look either too flat (texture wise) or bland in colour. The cars and tracks are great though and the lighting is out of these world (though it can be annoying with the glare :D)

Wasn't there supposed to be weather and a screenshot mode? I haven't come across either yet.

The engines sound great (I'm using the Official Gold Headset with bass booster profile) you can hear all the details of the road, when you hit the tarmac or your wheels spin you get the full effect. The tyres I feel can be a little screechy at times and can be a little offputting.

DS4 Controls
Some cars handle really well, others feel very sensitive and twitchy, it's quite arcadey to play which is good, the drifting works well and requires a good balance of speed/power going in to the corners, too little and you hit the side, too much and you spin out.

Each car feels unique to drive from weight, traction under/over steer.

The game without multiplayer feels a little flat and I'm very disappointed that after a year of delaying the game they couldn't get it right for launch. I would say at least 70% of the games features are missing without the online segment.

The single player races, though there are plenty of them will quickly get repetitive without that competitive multiplayer edge of challenging your friends.

Overall I have liked what I've played, I've hardly noticed the "penalty" system at all (maybe because I drive on the road and don't smash cars up)

The AI for me is perfect, I don't want AI that I can easily get around and win races without a challenge. I think it is a good thing that they are aggressive. It's only what you would get online.

So far for me as a single player I would give this 6/10 at the moment it's just a generic single player arcade racer (sega rally comes to mind) I think when this gets back online and the multiplayer competitiveness kicks in, it will start to shine more and earn itself a few more points.
19 Oct 2002
anyone playing with a wheel on this ??? wouldnt mind a try with one before i got one but i cant see the highstreet stores having something like that set up

Unfortunately not as I have a G27 which is not supported. I'll have to get a new wheel at some stage but holding off for a little longer.
5 May 2008
Got up early this morning and bought this from Asda. Still doing the rookie campaign but I had a couple of hours this morning and I like it so far. I'm not mad for arcade racers but they've got the handling down nicely. Graphics were nothing amazing at first but some of the locations are amazing - particularly Scotland and Norway. How it looks depends a lot on the light/time of day. Gets amazingly atmospheric when the light fades into darkness. Sun is crazy bright at times but that adds to the excitement when you can't bloody see anything! AI is aggressive which I am quite liking. So far so good it isn't amazing and it isn't terrible either. Just feels a little unfinished which we kind of knew before hand. Can't really score it when I haven't experienced all of its content, so I won't.
18 Feb 2007
Played a few races, first impressions are very good.

Some of the official reviews of this game are really unfair I feel. Maybe it's because a lot of new racing games are free roam like FH2.

Anyway I'm enjoying it.

Minor annoyances that I hope a patch will fix -

Cars stick far to much to the racing line which causes collisions, although not as bad as some have made out penalties given for collisions that are not your fault is a problem.

Apart from that so far it's a brilliant racer!!

Oh yeah , hope servers are fixed very soon.
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18 Feb 2007
Does anyone else find bonnet cam a bit off putting?

The reflections from the scenery when steering makes me make mistakes.

Also has anyone got the 3 car addons? Mine still haven't downloaded and still give an error?
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