Dying Light - PC next gen zombie open world game?

Getting random stutters not sure why, tried a mixture of settings but it's still happening. Runs beautifully smooth and looks amazing but then seemingly at random it turns into slideslow with audio slow down/crackling too for a few moments then it's back to normal.
SS-89...would you mind walking me through the Reshade+sweetfx2.0 for Dying Light please? Tried it, but cant seem to figure out what needs to go where on Win 8.1


Download the reshade + Sweetfx version

Simply copy the sweetfx folder, sweet.fx and reshade64.dll to the game exe folder (\steamapps\common\Dying Light) and rename reshade64.dll to dxgi.dll then copy my preset into the sweetfx folder.

To disable statistics go to the reshade_settings.txt in the sweetfx folder and set ReShade_ShowStatistics to 0
ahhh...and you already replied lol. Cheers mate, just put your sweetfx config in the root of the game and not in the sweetfx folder. Used to the old way of doing things ;)
25 today :)

Super tempted I must say.. How is the movement/fighting compared to dead island? I found that quite chunky. Not a huge fan of that.
Firstly, I'm really surprised by the graphics.

At 4k this game looks seriously impressive.

Unfortunately at 4k this absolutely canes my PC! AMD users are seriously in need of a Crossfire profile because I had everything set to high and view distance to max and the game was averaging about 25 fps and it went as low as 10fps during an in-engine 'cutscene' (everything is first person) when I went to visit the Doctor in the truck to get a shot.

VRAM usage was over 3.5GB and went as high as 3.9GB but so far it hasn't gone over that.

Weirdly, RAM usage at one point was saying 10GB! Lucky I have an X99 system with 16GB Ram. That might be related to the Windows 10 trial I am using but I doubt it.

So basically, it's barely playable at 4k until AMD release a Crossfire driver - Something Nvidia have already done.


i7 5930k @ 4.4Ghz
16GB DDR 4 @ 3000Mhz
295x2 + 290x at stock speeds
SSD drive
Windows 10 (Build 9926 - Jan 2015)
Running 290X here at 4K also and god does it look seriously ****ing good, better than Farcry 4 I dare say. All seems pretty smooth to me, minimum FPS is around 30, could do with my second card working but playable for now it seems (Every maxed including AA, draw distance at 50%). Happy with the game so far.
Crash galore :rolleyes:

Game runs very nicely on max settings @2560x1080 (I am yet to get outside though which I imagine will require reduced settings) and I am using vsync too! It looks pretty good plus proper 21.9 support!
Nexus, get the new sweetfx2.0 and reshade linked back a page or two by SS, really improves the visuals. I thought it looked quite horrible prior to getting outside, but now I'm further in the game, it's quite nice looking.

Big issue for me is, no crossfire profile and using more than 4gb VRAM, which gives me frame stutter at times when turning fast.

Come on amd, get your act together of crossfire profiles.new driver time since its been like 6 weeks since last one.
Yup will give that a go Tony, thanks. Although not much point atm since the game is unplayable for me, crashing every 5 min......

Man I really am starting to HATE games these days, just buggy POS all the damn time now :( I swear if GTA 5 is the same, I am done with gaming!
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