E-Scooter discussion after fatal collision

Having watched that video, I find myself wondering if the police have considered the possibility it wasn't an accident!

Did everyone miss this comment?! :D

I did watch the OP's posted vid - yes, she was annoying, but she is reminiscent of a lot of the youth of today. So seemed a funny young woman with the rest of her life ahead of her - tragic loss of life :(
Enjoyed that harmless / good natured video, reminded me a little bit of Fleabag. RIP.

Some weird comments in here. Also I’m slightly bemused that just because electronic scooters are not permitted on roads by virtue of them being electronic vehicles, some people are inferring that they are inherently dangerous :o
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"While the cause of the crash is unknown, e-scooters are illegal to ride on public roads, including in cycle lanes or on the pavement." If this is the case then where can you ride them?
"While the cause of the crash is unknown, e-scooters are illegal to ride on public roads, including in cycle lanes or on the pavement." If this is the case then where can you ride them?

Private land only.
I see an increasing number of these in and around central London, with the riders weaving between traffic seemingly without a care for their own safety. Foolish behavior, but very sad when something like this happens.
Wonder why there illegal to use on pavements & roads as they no look anymore dangerous then using a skate board, bicycle or roller skates/roller blades on the road or pavement
It’s because they fall into a limb of vehicle classification for which, until laws are changed, they require insurance and number plates.

They are legal in a few major cities, notably Berlin and Paris.

Infact, Uber run a ‘hire a scooter’ in Berlin which is just insane. Use the same app, it shows you to location of them, go up to them and scan the code, it unlocked and your off. It’s mindblowingly good.
Wonder why there illegal to use on pavements & roads as they no look anymore dangerous then using a skate board, bicycle or roller skates/roller blades on the road or pavement

Very little noise, no road presence, low down, small wheels hitting things in the road etc - none of these things would help at all. These sorts of things remind me of the fad in the early 90s in central London where some would commute in on inline skates. Injuries to pedestrians were common and a few of them ended up under cars and buses too.
Infact, Uber run a ‘hire a scooter’ in Berlin which is just insane. Use the same app, it shows you to location of them, go up to them and scan the code, it unlocked and your off. It’s mindblowingly good.

There is a company called wind.co that does the same in Lanzarote. They're absolutely brilliant for nipping around town, exploring and reducing taxi usage.

It's something like 2 euro to unlock it and 20 cents per minute to use.
Very little noise, no road presence, low down, small wheels hitting things in the road etc - none of these things would help at all. These sorts of things remind me of the fad in the early 90s in central London where some would commute in on inline skates. Injuries to pedestrians were common and a few of them ended up under cars and buses too.
Eh that’s rubbish tbh, the proper ones are substantially built machines. They are not inherent dangerous unless the individual scooter itself is of a shoddy build. Beyond that, they are only as dangerous as the person using them, just like bicycles or other motorised vehicles.

And as with bicycles, helmets etc are probably a good idea, as is sensible road practice.
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