E-Scooter discussion after fatal collision

Sounds good to me. Legistlation to enable the safe usage of scooters, ebikes, eboards etc. in cities should be the way forward.

Electric bikes are only bicycles with power to travel at up to 15mph, mainly as an assist to the rider.

Anything else powered that can travel faster should be licensed at a powered two wheeler, ie a moped or motorcycle and the required legislation complied with, helmet, regular MOT, age of rider travelling on a public highway, insurance and road tax. Otherwise you are a hazard to other road users and yourself.

He has a point though, the OP deliberately phrased his post to imply she was not the one at fault in the accident. So it bares pointing out the truth.

No I didn't, I stated what was on the BBC story so would you like to explain your remark?
would you like to explain your remark?
Yeah np, the BBC say "A woman riding an electric scooter has been killed in a crash with a lorry in south London" but you stated "she was killed when her electric scooter was hit by a lorry", it changes the context to make it sound like it wasn't her fault.
Yeah np, the BBC say "A woman riding an electric scooter has been killed in a crash with a lorry in south London" but you stated "she was killed when her electric scooter was hit by a lorry", it changes the context to make it sound like it wasn't her fault.

Fair enough, the thought wasn't intenioned that way, just my way of speaking i.e to me she was hit by a lorry as opposed to somehow she ended up dead and a lorry was nearby but we can't say theres a link.
What a shame.

Never seen the girls content until now but it's sad for anyone to die like that. Rip.
Just to clarify as I've not been following this.

"Scooter" in this country can mean moped. Are we sure she wasn't riding a (perfectly legal) electric moped?

Where's the story come from that she was riding an illegal electric scooter and caused the crash?

Edit - just read multiple stories that confirm it was an e-scooter not a moped. Any witness report as to how it happened? She went in to a lorry?
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reading the BBC article - was she cognisant that the mental illnesses she reputedly had may have been caused by this social media based life/job she had,

it sustained her financially, but may have also extracted its toll, seems another live and die by the sword parable,

... worse she may have been promoting similar in the audience to her blog. ( parallels to the love island and Kyle human consequences )

... on witnessing the creation of Facebook Zuck said "Now I have become the destroyer of lives" ?
To be fair there should be separate and wider cycle lanes which allow for things like this and segways etc... perhaps in some cases allowing motorbikes/mopeds and scooters too where there isn't a bus lane.

Make commuting on small motorised vehicles, whether new/electric or traditional safer and easier and you'll increase the numbers of people willing to do it + relieve congestion for people who need to use the roads in cities for something other than just transporting themselves to work.
Edit - just read multiple stories that confirm it was an e-scooter not a moped. Any witness report as to how it happened? She went in to a lorry?

With it being in London, and he being a women, it was likely going under a lorry that was turning left at a junction or roundabout. Sadly, it's a very common stat, and affects women riders/cyclists a lot more than men.
This is completely irrelevant, well done on the crap post of the year.

Just look at his post history. He seems to lack any ability to show empathy and always adopts the "I'm right you are wrong" approach to every discussion.

Shame to hear about anyone killed so young, the e-scooters are one of those new-ish technologies (similar to drones were) that legislation is lagging behind massively.
the e-scooters are one of those new-ish technologies (similar to drones were) that legislation is lagging behind massively.

I'm not sure it's the legislation thats lagging as it's clear "in law" that they're classed as motorised vehicles, but more likely it's the public knowledge that lagging i.e. people buying them don't know how the law treats these e-scooters. Sadly it takes an event like this to raise public awareness on their use and may hopefully prevent more e-scooter deaths in future.
I don't get this. Some random who did videos dies, and it's all over the news. Do we record all deaths in the same way now?

PLEASE can we go back to 1988.
The first death in the UK on an e-scooter, and she also happens to be semi-famous (with a certain demographic) as a vlogger...the first bit is the news, the rest is just stuff they can put in the report as background info.
Where was your thread on the 18,000 Deutsche bank workers losing their jobs last week or are they not as worthy as bookie employees for your faux sympathy ?

Couldn't give a damn about them, Banking is full of bad practices so they all deserve it obviously. /sarcasm

Sympathy <> Empathy. Knowing the difference between the two might be a start. ;) I empathize with them, I can understand for them what it must feel like. William Hill, DeutscheBank and losing someone tragically.

Empathy isn't the act of attributing guilt or shame on people because of choices, it's understanding how some choices can be made and the consequences of them being more dramatic than maybe they anticipated.
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Knowing the difference between the two might be a start.

Yes, it might be, you should take your own advice and understand when someone says they're not going to feel sorry for people losing their jobs it doesn't mean they don't know how sucky it might be for them.

Like this "commentator" sucks she died but not going to feel sorry if she was breaking the law and being a dumbass
Sounds good to me. Legistlation to enable the safe usage of scooters, ebikes, eboards etc. in cities should be the way forward.
Yep, my friend has been using an Electric Unicycle for commuting around Bristol the last 2 years just fine. He just wears a high-vis and puts red/white lights on him when he rides at night and mixes between roads and pavements. He's never had an issue.

I'm about to buy myself one for the work commute. Would save loads in petrol
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