E3 2015 - The year the SJW's won?

Hahaha, this thread. Accuses others of bandwagon jumping; runs around using the phrase 'SJW' as a pejorative. Irony overload.
It creates things like this:


McIntosh’s tweets about the game, and about protagonist Geralt of Rivia, read like someone who has never played a Witcher game before, including The Witcher 3, or like someone all too eager to justify their own assumptions.

He describes Geralt as “emotionally deficient in the extreme. Never cries or laughs. Never expresses grief, fear, sadness or vulnerability.” Which is, you know, patently untrue. Not a matter of opinion, but utterly untrue to the point where I do question whether McIntosh has actually played these games, or is just watching the trailers. (Hey, plenty of critics wrote angry things about American Sniper without watching the film first.)
I've played Witcher 3 for 60+ hours so far.

Geralt is fairly monotone, he obviously cares for Ciri but on the whole he doesn't display many of the emotions that guy mentions.

Witcher wiki said:
It is a common belief, even among Witchers themselves, that they have no capacity for emotion. This may be debatable - and rather relative, considering the rigors of their training and the dangers they face as a matter of course. Perhaps they have simply never had the time (or exposure to society) to develop or recognize the reactions to mundane experiences that most take for granted.

Waiting for your response to the counter of your argument, that creative freedoms are being hindered by pandering to feminism.

If that was the case, then think of all the amazing female-centric or even just more diverse creative works that has been squashed over the past decades by pandering to the knuckle-dragging teenage boy market?
Dude, he can't tell the difference between 'then' and 'than', I think you're asking a bit much.
Oh ok, I'm sure a development company would come out and say "Yeah, sorry we delayed the game for xyz, a feminist wanted us to include more realistic female interaction"

It would be PR suicide.

Ah, the best kind of conspiracy, one that there doesn't need to be any evidence for!

Go on.....say 'sheeple'...you know you want to.
Noticed it as well. It will die down. It's just PR people thinking it's the 'cool' thing to do to get more sales. As let's be honest, being a feminist is turning into a trend on sites like Tumblr etc. No matter which way you look at it.

As a white male... I'm bottom of the chain right now. If it isn't racism, it's sexism... There is always something the white British male does wrong.
As a white male... I'm bottom of the chain right now. If it isn't racism, it's sexism... There is always something the white British male does wrong.

Give over.

Your victim complex is so bad that you think you're at the bottom of the chain? I'm sure people the world over are arranging a telethon right now for the plight of the 1st world, white male. We are really struggling these days.

How about you get a grip of yourself. In the words of Chris Rock:

There ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me. None of you. None of you would change places with me, and I'm rich!
Females ARE under represented. That's a fact. It's now making business sense to realise that. The fact that you're typing out this nonsense is astounding... are you married? Do you have a girlfriend? I'm sure she'd love to her your opinions on feminism being an ideology.

Feminism is completely retarded, anyone with half a brain can see that it is not about equal rights, but about women being given more rights than men.

Feminists are the new vegens, and blokes that follow it need help ROFL
Not anymore it isn't. They're like PETA, completely irrational and state the most ridiculous things to try and make points that don't exist. Just look at Anita Sarkeesian, who I'm 99% sure just does what she does for the PR/$ because some of the **** that comes out of her mouth is incredible.

I'm sure the KKK could easily claim they are advocacy of Caucasian rights, doesn't make it any less B/S.
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