E3 2015 - The year the SJW's won?

I must have missed something then, did the Mega-man sequel not happen? Was the developer "forced" to change his game?

Comcept appointed a new community manager called Dina Abou Karam. Her job seems to be to listen to fan feedback and forward it to higher-ups at Comcept.

The trouble is that Dina being appointed raised a whole host of questions amongst the many, many backers of Mighty No. 9. Firstly, Dina presented a piece of fan art of a gender-flipped version of Beck -- the male protagonist of MN9 -- and stated:

"As someone who cares about gender representation in games, please make Call [the game's female character] a playable character, or even better, make Beck a female bot alltogether [sic]! It shouldn't and won't affect gameplay! I started on some Mighty No. 9 Fan Art myself as a way to promote this Kickstarter/express my wish:"

Other than that, Dina tweeted that she was "never a Mega Man player" but she supported MN9 because her friends and boyfriend were working on the game

Just read this page:

You add development time, which equally pushes the game back and increases cost.

They didn't want a female option, they didn't want anything but bloody mega man. Damn, when a world becomes scared to make a mega man remake for fear of not including a female, its a bloody joke.

Sticking an alt-costume (barely more than a re-colour) and re-gendering some text is minimal development time. There's no reason at all for fanboys to get worked up.
Sounds an awful lot like you are searching for something to be outraged about, when really there's no evidence.

Funny as that's precisely the behaviour that you claim to be railing against.
I like that 'Social justice' is considered derogatory somehow.

All those bloody SJW's who wanted to give women the vote or let black people sit with white people on the buses in America back in the day, LOLZ!
Conclusive proof if ever I saw it :rolleyes:

Would it be the end of the world if there was a playable female character? For a feminist you seem to be awfully bothered by the possibility of female characters being in games.

I don't, its the effect this gender pushing is having on development.
You've not actually managed to point out a single game where it's had a negative impact.

The one game you've cited multiple times isn't out yet and still seems to have a male as a central protagonist.
And the counterpoint to your argument is that maybe writers have always wanted to tell more female centric stories in games, but Publishers were reticent to pump money in to a game with a female protagonist?
And the counterpoint to your argument is that maybe writers have always wanted to tell more female centric stories in games, but Publishers were reticent to pump money in to a game with a female protagonist?

Thats a great point, i'd also be interested in that side of the coin.
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