E3 2018

Really disappointed to be honest , nothing ground breaking and mostly rehashes except cyberpunk 2077 and the division 2 ? I’m not a Sony fanboy but Sorry Sony are gonna destroy Microsoft Tuesday

Uncharted/TLOU/Spider-man/God of war/Horizon zero dawn

Mostly all walking simulators.. and most can be completed in less than 10-30 hours.. What else do they have that makes it an absolute win for sony?

I'm no fan-boy, look at my rig in my sig.. I do have a one X because gamepass gets me lots of free PC games that i can play slouched on the couch too.
Uncharted/TLOU/Spider-man/God of war/Horizon zero dawn

Mostly all walking simulators.. and most can be completed in less than 10-30 hours.. What else do they have that makes it an absolute win for sony?

I'm no fan-boy, look at my rig in my sig.. I do have a one X because gamepass gets me lots of free PC games that i can play slouched on the couch too.

sony don't even have uncharted that franchise was killed off already with no new games ot be made
Forza is the only reason why I would buy an Xbox. Always been impressed by it. Solid press conference by Xbox still feel like it is lacking though, can’t wait to see what PlayStation have to show.
Halo - Infinite looks lnsane
Tunic - looks charming and fun
Session - could be incredible for those waiting for a skating game
PUBG - Obviously its on PC, but the console support and updates look really cool, especially the war mode (50v50?)
Forza Horizon 4 - Looks amazing, Rule, Britannia!
Sea of thieves - Free DLC's could be great, i've already played 100+ hours (more than ps walking simulators)
Crackdown 3 - Whilst 2 was dissapointing, 3 looks great and hours of fun.. the first game had me playing the OG xbox for hours on end
Really disappointed to be honest , nothing ground breaking and mostly rehashes except cyberpunk 2077 and the division 2 ? I’m not a Sony fanboy but Sorry Sony are gonna destroy Microsoft Tuesday

I be very surprised if they do. Sony have had a good run with games over the past 12 month. Anything from them for E3 will be abit dry.
The biggest news that i think people aren't giving enough credit for is the aquisition of 5 VERY good studios as well as the development of one of their own. This means future exclusives are garunteed.
Sony have a killer franchise the last of us 2 , plus they have the new open world Spider-Man which looks amazing which many at eagerly waiting for , Forza Horizon is just another racing sim , sea of thieves gets repetitive, no actual halo gameplay just a small video clip , mostly kiddy games .. just remember Microsoft destroyed there halo fan base when they handed it over to 343 with nothing really exciting whereas Sony has naughty dog a developer that always gets me excited with its amazing stories and graphics .. then you have god of war 4 and horizon which are also are also amazing ..where the hell are the groundbreaking AAA Xbox killer exclusives ?
thought Crackdown was probably the least impressive thing they showed. a really good conference overall from MS, hopefully Sony's will be just as good.

I think its one of those games thats hard to display, it will be a super smooth high framerate solid 4k game with a ton of destruction.

Crackdown has great progression, watching your character physically look different as your skills increase over time and watching transforming vehichles etc.

I see why they are making it availible to game pass from release, it will be a great game.
Sony have a killer franchise the last of us 2 , plus they have the new open world Spider-Man which looks amazing which many at eagerly waiting for , Forza Horizon is just another racing sim , sea of thieves gets repetitive, no actual halo gameplay just a small video clip , mostly kiddy games .. just remember Microsoft destroyed there halo fan base when they handed it over to 343 with nothing really exciting whereas Sony has naughty dog a developer that always gets me excited with its amazing stories and graphics .. then you have god of war 4 and horizon which are also are also amazing ..where the hell are the groundbreaking AAA Xbox killer exclusives ?

None of what you mentioned are killer AAA exclusives either.. They are 10-30 hour walking simulators.. even spiderman will be mostly quick time events mixed with some allbeit pretty cool open world gameplay..
None of what you mentioned are killer AAA exclusives either.. They are 10-30 hour walking simulators.. even spiderman will be mostly quick time events mixed with some allbeit pretty cool open world gameplay..

Actually if you look at the ratings on metacritic for the last of us you should realise you are mistaken as the TLOU2 is the most eagerly awaited game of 2018-2019 ? They maybe be walking sims but the are fun and unique experiences that Microsoft lack , plus they have days gone in feb 2019 which looks amazing .. it’s exclusive after exclusive with high ratings but with Sony but with Microsoft I’m just not seeing that .. I’m not trying to come across biased I’m just stating my opinion ..
Uncharted/TLOU/Spider-man/God of war/Horizon zero dawn

Mostly all walking simulators.. and most can be completed in less than 10-30 hours..

Walking simulators, lol. Some of the best games ever made can hardly be called walking simulators and since when does the length of the game determine how good it is? 30 hrs for me is a long time, I actually get put off games that I know will take a 100 hrs or so to complete. Although I'm pretty sure I put more that 30 hrs into most of those.
Actually if you look at the ratings on metacritic for the last of us you should realise you are mistaken as the TLOU2 is the most eagerly awaited game of 2018-2019 ? They maybe be walking sims but the are fun and unique experiences that Microsoft lack , plus they have days gone in feb 2019 which looks amazing .. it’s exclusive after exclusive with high ratings but with Sony but with Microsoft I’m just not seeing that .. I’m not trying to come across biased I’m just stating my opinion ..

I don't doubt they are great games.. i've played most of them. But all of them fit in to the same genre of "walking simulator"..

Also i don't buy in to review sites after rotten tomatoes gave black lightning 100%
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