Fair enough
Correct. Temps do not make the slightest difference. It's the voltage that counts. - pastymuncher
The point being made by you & pasty was that temperature makes
no difference to cpu life - not true (apparently).
Extra heat is naturally also a by product of increased clock speed, although extra vcore has a much bigger impact (which you did allude to).
I think your main point originally was that overly high vcore kills quickly, totally fair enough & I totally agree
, I was just saying that temperature does have some impact to CPU life too.
Btw I have a 9 1/2 yr old Celeron 366 @550 that still works
, the beauty of that CPU & many of it's family was that it only needed a tiny increase in vcore to hit that speed (def 2v ,increased to 2.05v). Of course that rig is only any use as legacy PC these days, & light internet use at a push