Well i have a 750gb external HD that i could use to put my movies on.
So basically having this playon hd box eliminates the need for me to use tversity and my laptop?? ie i can directly stream from the box to my 360 no problems??
Well i have a 750gb external HD that i could use to put my movies on.
So basically having this playon hd box eliminates the need for me to use tversity and my laptop?? ie i can directly stream from the box to my 360 no problems??
Why would you stream from the box to the 360, why not just use the box as the player?
I have to say, i'm at a loss as to how a 10 year old managed to install YAMJ, i've been ****ing around with command lines, GUIs throwing nondescript errors about batch files etc. at me for about an hour now and i'm absolutely no nearer to having YAMJ installed than I was at the start.
I see from one of your screenshots there is "TV Shows" how are these displayed/organized?
Is it similar to XBMC - TV Show > Season > File
Really tempted by this! Thanks
Hmmm still not 110% sure if i should get this...my 32" lcd only has one HDMI input which is connected to my xbox at the moment. So wont be able to connect the box directly to the TV.
I suppose i could just connect it into my router and use it that way?? ie use the box to stream from my laptop hd to my xbox360...i guess that would work right??
Hmmm still not 110% sure if i should get this...my 32" lcd only has one HDMI input which is connected to my xbox at the moment. So wont be able to connect the box directly to the TV.
I suppose i could just connect it into my router and use it that way?? ie use the box to stream from my laptop hd to my xbox360...i guess that would work right??
HDMI splitter.......
You can get PS3 Media to do that and its free. You will need to ensure the PC is switched on and the service running when streaming media from the PC to the Xbox. However the down side would be it *might* not be able to play every format compared to the PlayOn. Amiright?
Yeh was looking at maybe getting one of those but seen one for about £25 which is kinda expensive.
Well the problem i have now and why im thinking of getting one of these boxes is that i have TVersity which is on my laptop...that in turn is connected through my network which then goes to my xbox...problem is when i play MKV or blu ray rips from my laptop to my xbox it stutters every 10-15 mins but then stops and plays fine but 10-15mins later so kind of annoying but all other media files play fine without stuttering....at the moment my xbox is connected to my router via wireless, which is N spec and my laptop is connected via a CAT5 cable to the router.
Whats the spec on your laptop?
Ive had mine for just over a month and have to say im extremely impressed with it...its a standalone box and i have my external usb hd plugged into it which i ran a hdmi cable into my TV...i also have it connected to the internet as i use the YAMMJ program which gives me the box covers etc and basic info...gets it from IMDB i think...but its fairly quick and Blu ray rips that i have on ext hd look the business although my LCD is about 3-4 yrs now...but its much better than my original set up ie laptap running tversity which then ran into my xbox360 and id stream movies that way but it was rubbish at handling blu ray rips...kept stuttering every 5-10 mins.