EE - 4G

If that is true then that is shocking.

A hard limit, hit is and your stuck. No charge per mb, no browsing only.

A lot will be caught out.

They will let you pay for extra usage, not sure how much though. I prefer it that it actually puts a stop to your usage so you then cannot accidentally go over and then if you do want to go over you can pay for more, it gives you an option at least.

With Vodafone they text you when you are near the cap and automatically bill you if you go over it which means if you don't want to go over you have to be disciplined enough to switch your data off; which can of course lead to "accidents" :p
They will let you pay for extra usage, not sure how much though. I prefer it that it actually puts a stop to your usage so you then cannot accidentally go over and then if you do want to go over you can pay for more, it gives you an option at least.

With Vodafone they text you when you are near the cap and automatically bill you if you go over it which means if you don't want to go over you have to be disciplined enough to switch your data off; which can of course lead to "accidents" :p

It's £15 for two GB for the mobile Internet (dongles), so it ain't cheap.

What's more concerning is the t&Cs you buy say 2Gb a few days before your bill and when you bill comes, those Gb do not roll over you lose them.

You’ll be charged the full cost of the data add-on no matter when you buy it and when your bill date occurs. Any unused data will not be rolled over and you’ll lose it.

As I keep saying anyone who signs upto EE really needs a brain transplant. With these prices, data limits and T&Cs
The irony is that if you are an EE 4G customer travelling on a real train then you'll be back on 3G as soon as the train pulls out of the city station. ;)
But the cap doesn't prevent general web activities does it? Just downloading/streaming

Kind of like what they have in place at the moment anyway

Full Monty Tariff is uncapped. Download and stream on your phone all you want.

£21/mo (or less) direct from T-Mobile.

£15.50/mo from a reseller.
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There's a lot of assumptions the other carriers will compete on price when they launch 4G but I wouldn't be surprised if that isn't the case.

All the networks have to cover the 4G infrastructure costs as well as the other networks potentially will pay more at the auction as they have a greater need for the spectrum.

It's quite possible that the other networks will compete on non-price terms such as the extra bundles EE are including.
Network infrastructure expansion can offset tax bills can't it? It's a bit chicken and egg to say price isn't the issue, data is, because if they didn't cap it then you wouldn't move to higher priced plans etc... :) I'm in a firm agreement they shouldn't be charging what they are though, their facebook page is hilarious right now.
Hilarious how? It's blocked at work, and I don't have an account anyway. :(

I presume they're being mocked mercilessly?

Edit: I'm in an odd mood today. I woke up thinking **** it I might just pull the trigger anyway, just to have the latest tech, even though I know the pricing is utterly insane - and that I'll need to buy all new iPhone accessories. Hopefully I'll snap out of it before launch day. :)
Last edited: you can see it without an account on your phone or use the proxy of the TMC which I'm told is still open ;)

They put up the train ad from the previous page with the title:
We had tons of comments about our 4GEE plans yesterday. Some would make our mothers blush. Lots of you have been worrying that the speed of 4G will mean you use up your data allowance faster, and that’s not really true. Here’s why.
and the public started having a go for their limits, then some current EE employees fired back and then well, you get the picture. They should just moderate the page. I'm not really sure if EE are in charge of the FB page looking at it as the messages on it are all pacifying ones (eg "Our 4GEE plans cost more than 3G, so what do you get?") rather than brand / raise awareness messages. It will all blow over soon I hope but if this sets the precidence of just charging more for the same service then ultimately, all consumers will have lost.
It all comes down to how much data you will actually use- In my case, owning my note 2 lte since Saturday, I have used a whopping 129MB of data!

Now bear in mind, compared to my usual usage, I've been hammering it cos of my shiny new phone so after a while its likely to drop even further if anything. This is proved by the fact a whopping 47mb of my total 129mb usage is attributed to using speedtest lol

So imo, a 4g plan is'nt all bad even with a 'puny' 5gb data allowance :)
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