god why even post things like this, who cares what some youtuber thinks?
ooh please click and watch my clickbate reviews so I can earn monies
I post it because I know that quite a few people on here like to see what certain reviewers say and he is one of those that some people on here go by. Its nothing more than providing additional information to people on here, I mean isnt that what is a part of this gaming forum, to provide information (from both sides of the fence) and so on to fellow gamers on here? I get that its not something you care about and I agree with you that the majority of online reviewers are worthless (although some, like Totalbiscuit - back in the day, ACG, Skillup, Forcegaming, Lazy Peon etc can be very good) however I dont just dismiss that others use them as barometers or assume that everyone has the same viewpoint as me.