Elden Ring

I'm confused lol. I have the ashes yes but doubt I'll use them as would have to boost health a fair bit.

From what I can tell, it’s by far the best one. Bosses are now on easy mode.

It’s a clone of you that’s way tougher and distracts the enemies so you can just wail on them.
From what I can tell, it’s by far the best one. Bosses are now on easy mode.

It’s a clone of you that’s way tougher and distracts the enemies so you can just wail on them.

Yeah I haven't used it yet but upgraded to 10 just in case. I just have enough HP to use it when I got a talisman on.
Yeah I haven't used it yet but upgraded to 10 just in case. I just have enough HP to use it when I got a talisman on.

You upgraded mimic tear to +10??

I think mine is +5 and its massively OP.

Genuinely I think I could just send in the mimic and beat most bosses :p

Give it a go
You upgraded mimic tear to +10??

I think mine is +5 and its massively OP.

Genuinely I think I could just send in the mimic and beat most bosses :p

Give it a go

Yeah I got the bell bearing for the upgrade plants now so I can upgrade all the ones I want.

I tried to send it in against a dragon but it stood around like a ****, probs just the ai. It did wreck some ruins for me lol.
I think the issue is I never 2h my weapon. Now I've said that I wonder if my spells hit harder with 2h... I like having shield up though and I usually fail trying to quick switch.

To 1 hand your weapon and still use its skill put the ash "no skill" on your shield.

Unfortunately spells don't scale 2h
Is there a trick to beating Radahn? Getting an absolute beatdown from him, even with all the summons. :(

Keep going and get good at rolling. Don't be too greedy.

I find that with all the FromSoftware games you have to try to relax and work out what mechanic they are prioritising in the game and get good at that. Bloodborne, aggression and rolling. Sekiro, aggression, parrying, using the environment and a bit of stealth. You generally have more time than you think and the times that I perform badly are usually the times where I panic thinking I need to dodge more than I do. Quite a lot of bosses work on rhythms. When you watch the no hit runs people do of bosses its crazy how much time they seem to have.

Elden ring is back to rolling and learning the enemies move set. I took a few goes to do Radahn once I realised that I could summon a small army to help but on those few goes I found the "help" was sometimes more of a hinderance because the camera sometimes got stuck behind one of them and I couldn't see. The start of the fight is just a bit annoying. Like Rennala. Kind of pointless and just punishes you occasionally for getting grumpy and being too hasty to get to the actual fight.

What level are you?
Is there a trick to beating Radahn? Getting an absolute beatdown from him, even with all the summons. :(

Trick for a slightly 'cheesy' method.

If you have a dragon heart (from killing any dragon) you can get a skill called rotten breath from the church of dragon communion. It requires 15 Faith or 14, forgot but if you can afflict Radahn with it, you can then horse off and just wait, it will drop him down to his second phase. The tricky part for me was getting close enough to apply the second time but same tactic, when it starts ticking just run away and wait
Keep going and get good at rolling. Don't be too greedy.

I find that with all the FromSoftware games you have to try to relax and work out what mechanic they are prioritising in the game and get good at that. Bloodborne, aggression and rolling. Sekiro, aggression, parrying, using the environment and a bit of stealth. You generally have more time than you think and the times that I perform badly are usually the times where I panic thinking I need to dodge more than I do. Quite a lot of bosses work on rhythms. When you watch the no hit runs people do of bosses its crazy how much time they seem to have.

Elden ring is back to rolling and learning the enemies move set. I took a few goes to do Radahn once I realised that I could summon a small army to help but on those few goes I found the "help" was sometimes more of a hinderance because the camera sometimes got stuck behind one of them and I couldn't see. The start of the fight is just a bit annoying. Like Rennala. Kind of pointless and just punishes you occasionally for getting grumpy and being too hasty to get to the actual fight.

What level are you?
Not to sound arsey but I've sunk hundreds of hours into the FromSoft games so I understand the mechanics but I just cannot work out Radahn's timing at all - always end up rolling too early or too late. :( Off the top of my head, I'm probably around level 65-70 with a +15 Uchigatana and the royal remains armour set which I'm not sure if it's any good but I like the look of it! :D

Was using the summons as bait more than damage-dealers but they did end up putting a bit of a barrier been me and Radahn so my attacks kept missing. He's the only boss I've really struggled with - Rennala, for example, was a walk in the park.
Trick for a slightly 'cheesy' method.

If you have a dragon heart (from killing any dragon) you can get a skill called rotten breath from the church of dragon communion. It requires 15 Faith or 14, forgot but if you can afflict Radahn with it, you can then horse off and just wait, it will drop him down to his second phase. The tricky part for me was getting close enough to apply the second time but same tactic, when it starts ticking just run away and wait
I'm almost at the point where I'm considering cheesing him! :D

I do have a dragon heart so might just give it a go.
Not to sound arsey but I've sunk hundreds of hours into the FromSoft games so I understand the mechanics but I just cannot work out Radahn's timing at all - always end up rolling too early or too late. :( Off the top of my head, I'm probably around level 65-70 with a +15 Uchigatana and the royal remains armour set which I'm not sure if it's any good but I like the look of it! :D

Was using the summons as bait more than damage-dealers but they did end up putting a bit of a barrier been me and Radahn so my attacks kept missing. He's the only boss I've really struggled with - Rennala, for example, was a walk in the park.

Hmm, thats odd, I was similar but about 10-15 levels lower and my sword wasn't as powerful either. I got hit a few times but mostly I found his attacks quite slow and telegraphed. Is there a particular part that you are struggling with?

FS bosses are a funny thing. You can talk to 10 people and they will all tell you that a different boss was hard and someone else will have found that one the easiest of the lot. Bizarre eh.
I enjoyed going back and getting revenge on the monster that (probably) killed you at the start of the game.
Yeah I did that the other day. Not so scary now are you?!

Reminds me I found another one of those keys so should go back to see what it opens.

Same! I was following a guide to get in to some towers which give some useful items and that was one of them, not going to look at where the remaining portals go though. Think I'll go for the capital soon rather than try and do it all in one play through.

I may save scum a few of the endings because I'm not playing through the game four times
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Is there a trick to beating Radahn? Getting an absolute beatdown from him, even with all the summons. :(

if you get the first group of summons to the left and right if your starting point, then when they run at him he will be distracted. At the top of the hill where he starts there are further summons just over the brow. I basically ran around on my horse between summon spots and just kept re-summoning. This got him down 3/4 of his life before he killed me and I didn’t lay a hit on him. Not sure how many times you can re-summon but it was getting harder to find summmon spots by that stage.

I died because I got too close and greedy.

I have strength and dex as my primary attributes but have upgraded faith and arcane to allow some use of magic. I find things like poison really helpful and now I have got an incantation from a dragon heart that inflicts rot so next time he will be down easily!

To be honest it feels a little OP as it can basically kill many enemies in one cast. Bigger stuff 2 casts and just stay out of the way. I’m on the bare minimum arcane and faith too. Not sure how it scales but I’m wrecking stuff with it. Done a giant in 2 casts that gave me a larval tear. Before this it was 1 or 2 shotting me.

Epic levels of cheese but I’m finding the rune grind is a bit tedious now I’m a higher level. Nothing I have found yet that is anything like as efficient for farming as other games.

Maybe I just need to keep looking.
Its always the issue with level based games that are hard. Its all too tempting to just get over-levelled or find some combination of items that are OP and basically cheat the difficulty. Each to their own I guess but its a shame when thats sometimes the easiest way to enjoy the game
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