Is that the fort near the grace with the silver dead dragon?
ill have a look out for those mobs with the description.
Gonna look for that giant chicken too. Maybe I have that area already unlocked.
Yeah as above, North East of Caelid. The guys there are individuals, go down really easily, don't dodge and have a rubbish range attack but are somehow worth 1079 runes each. There's about 15-20 wondering around in the open up there. Kill, grace, repeat.
I can't be bothered to farm but I often head up there if I'm a few thousand short of a level up before going into a boss.
Where are you all farming runes?
Just reached lvl 60 and just got radahn as my second great rune. I have unlocked caelid, liurna, atlus plateau, and sofia river.
Just tried to defeat that first boss on the way up to the castle. Didn't last long.
Farming just isn't necessary, you get enough from just playing through tbh.
thx for the farming spot short list and sharing the abyss drop glitch. From 60 to 110 in less than 40mins or so.
I will probably settle for 150 but for now I got the stats for the weapons I want to try.
Ruin & starscourge greatswords now usable. Just need to gather more somber stones.