I can't believe this hasn't been resolved with the easiest of solutions..
Just make one minor tweak to the current eBike legislation to remove the need to pedal assist and then classify eScooters as eBikes.. same power/speed restrictions..
Why oh why is this being complicated and blown out of proportion?
The trial scheme hasn't highlighted any major safety concerns about using them in the same way as eBikes...
What we need are proper policing of cycles (which if I had my way would cover eScooters by extension), fine people if found riding on pavements, if your eBike/eScooter is suspected of not conforming, confiscate, test and if found out of limits, destroy/hefty fine or something..
How hard does it need to be?
It seems absolutely ridiculous to demand insurance and a driving licence to ride an eScooter, yet jump on an eBike with the same power/speed with no insurance and no licence..
Its not being blown out of proportion, they simply dont want privately owned scooters on the roads because they want these 'trial schemes' running all over the country, contracts with the govt are involved and they dont want people buying their own escooter, they want you hiring and paying for theirs.
The drivers license is just so they can identify who is using each scooter, insurance for obvious reasons, damage will get caused in crashes, but you dont have to get this yourself, its already covered by the operator at point of hire.
Rest assured if Boris bikes go electric, same will happen to ebikes...