ELEX - Anyone interested ??

It looks ropey and with simplistic combat but then it's a Gothic game and I still played them :)

If I remember the Gothic games really reached their potential after numerous community patches.
Ughh, didn't like this at all :(

So.much.talking..... Also felt clunky and the controls, even when moved to controller, just felt rubbish. Animations seem like they are from 10 years ago :(

Shame as I thought the idea was really good and the trailers looked awesome.
I have died a lot, played 3 hours and death count must be about 30. If you get this remember, if you find a Jackhammer (1 in the pit) do not sell it! I sold mine before i new what it was for.
Apparently it is an amazing game, but you gotta be prepared to be weak in the beginning, just like in G1 and G2.
Detailed impressions by Age of Decadence developer:


Skyrim it’s not. Forget about killing dragons. The only bird you can kill at this point is a mutated chicken (which will fck you up faster than you can say Dovahkiin if you aren't quick enough), so if you like challenging combat and slow progression, this game is for you.
Here is CoohCarnage views on the game after having played it for aruond 8 hours. It is actually made in the middle of his play through stream.

Thanks for the review links.

Sounds good, and I know I will love this. Big fan of PB games in general (though the Risen series kind of tailed off quite rapidly), and quite happy to put up with their jankiness for the world and character systems they offer. Gothic 3 still ranks as one of my all-time favourite gaming experiences (I know it wasn't well received, but properly patched it was epic!). Bit of a conundrum now... was all set on Original Sin 2 for my Xmas gaming marathon, but I just know I could get sucked into this one just as much, if not more...
For those of you that bought it, how do you finding the game to be ? The exploration and your skill building especially ? The more I see from Cohh's play through I fell I want to go and buy it but want to finish the Dishonored series first so trying my best to not buy it yet. :o Did just recently found out this little bit that I found nice.
Meeting a certain group gives you a player home and the ability to upgrade it as well, looks pretty neat. :p
Here is CoohCarnage views on the game after having played it for aruond 8 hours. It is actually made in the middle of his play through stream.

CohCarnage is such a damn good guy, love his videos even when he is terrible at games :)

Elex sounds so good, but I cannot justify it with my backlog :(

But maybe they will patch it and improve it further anyway before I delve into it.
OK that spoiler gave me a nudge towards buying it for that alone. Have to more careful with cash for a bit though.
Sorry about that but yeah, it is a sweet little thing they added, although it be costly to upgrade things. :p
CohCarnage is such a damn good guy, love his videos even when he is terrible at games :)

Elex sounds so good, but I cannot justify it with my backlog :(

But maybe they will patch it and improve it further anyway before I delve into it.
Yes, I am hoping the same, although I not seen any major things to be patched (what I seen so far I can live with myself).

Personally I probably wait until it is around £30 or so, unless the games I want to finish is done before hand then I probably buy the game no matter the price. :p
Played this solid over the weekend, despite my earlier criticism of the game, i persevered and finding it quite enjoyable now. It's really the start of the game that put me off, so slow to get going, probably around 15 hours before i started to find my feet. The quest/inventory system I can imagine puts people off as well but if you stick with it, you get gradually more powerful and can then go out and explore more then the game really opens up, I've still not joined a faction yet. Just remember to quicksave a lot although it does it automatically every 3 mins I think :D

What was surprising is there is a town later on you kind of make your own and can spend money on upgrades for it. it does remind me of a post apocalyptic Skyrim a lot now.
This is pretty hilarious but I am watching Cohh playing it right now and seems like the publishing company of ELEX, THQ NOrdic, is actually watching the stream as well. He was mentioning about a few bugs and 4 minutes later had a tweet from them about it ! :eek: :p


Also, as I been watching the stream one of his followers posted a link showing the locations for somehting rather cool, have added that in a spoiler incase some don't want to know about it so up to you. :p

@CohhCarnage for the sunglasses I mentioned earlier go to this location and go ontop of the windmill
These sunglasses when used showing where all the loot is, not chest and boxes but lose stuff like Bolts, Scrap etc.

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