I've had around 15-20 OGDs (camera down) in the last 12 years. And I had 3 colonscopies in 2023.
The OGDs, I recommend a couple of things for people that are nervous about it and also here are some general thoughts
1) Take the sedation. It is not intended to make you sleep, it zones you out a bit, but it also works that you don't remember too much about the procedure later.
2) The night before, stay up really late, so as you go to the OGD sleepy. I find then with the sedation, I would be more likely to sleep thru the whole thing.
3) The spray on the back of the throat to numb it, it always use to put me in a wee panic as it felt like you can't swallow, but of course you can no problem.
4) You have a 15 min interview where they'll ask you a whole heap of question like have you ever had mad cow diease, when did you last eat, do you have any metal work, any dentures etc etc. They'll put in the canula so the doc can administer the sedative, take your blood pressure, you'll sign the form. When you go into the room, there is a 5-10 min preamble where they will fit oxygen thing around your nose, do the throat spray, probably ask you some of the same questions again, and fit a mouth piece so that the doc can get the camera in and you can't bite on it.
5) The camera is in you for max 4-5 minutes, maybe a min longer if they want to take pictures. Some people have a really bad gag reflex, some almost none, and most are inbetween. I'm not too bad, but it's an involuntary thing. It is the reason why you do need to follow the fasting advice, as it means you have nothing to bring up.
6) Afterwards they will keep you for a while, longer if you have had a sedative, perhaps 30mins to 1hr.
7) If you have had a sedative, they will tell you someone has to be with your for the next 24hrs, not to sign any docs etc, and you must not drive for 24hrs. Note because a doctor has told you not to drive, YOUR INSURANCE WILL BE INVALID if you have an accident in that timeframe. Personally, how I am afterwards is very variable, sometimes I feel like I had no sedative, others I do feel sleepy.
Any questions, feel free to ask.
Colonscopies I'll go thru it if anyone is interested.