so I had Hpylori, which ate all my stomach lining and caused the ulcers (and eventually gerd), medication was 2 types of antibiotics and omeprazole, then lanzoprezole, then ranitidine (unsure on the spelling of any of those) - took about 6 months to recover to a point where i could leave the house, then discovered cant consume gluten or any high fodmap foods. That was 5 years ago and still an issue now though definitely more manageable, just need to be careful what i eat and the quantity. good days/bad days etc.Have they not given you any antibiotics to kill the bacteria that causes the ulcers? That was what caused my ulcer, like an idiot I ignored the pain and just got on with it. Until the morning it perforated that is, it was like the worst stomach cramps ever! I couldn't relax my stomach muscles for anything, ended up getting ambulance to hospital and surgery.