No idea at all as they haven't even told us that they were increasing the first time (1st April) although I knew they would because of the £67 a month ending. I detest the standing charge as it's the one thing I have no control over. Between the gas and electric that's £30 a month and nothing I do will ever get that lower. I wish I could switch to one of these tracking rates but I guess that's not going to be a option until this mess finally sorts itself out.
tracker doesn't fix the standing charge, and even if the unit gas tracker price is lower, if SC is big part of the bill tracker won't help much,
also, whilst we might use more electricity(oven cooking) if units were cheaper, turning the heating up or having longer showers is puerile, like folks gaming the saving sessions.
I've not understood why there seems to be more variation of SC since April, compared to previous 6 months, both of them a £2.5K epg cap.
these seem gimped as they don't offer real time upload/integration to home assistant(or smartphone) so that you can record 30s consumption data like bright CAD device.Confirmed i am getting the mini monitoring device