How is the shower water warmed up?19th Aug 2023 26.8 Smart meter reading19th Sep 2023 324.7 Smart meter reading Energy Used 297.9 kWh @ 28.51p/kWh £84.93Standing Charge 31 days @ 47.40p/day £14.69
so other than when we get home 4-8:30 so 4.5 hrs we have lights on in 1 room 2 pc's and thats it well unless we use the toilet then lights on and off as required .. other than a 5-10 min shower in the morning ?and 20 mins on the pc before work ?
heating is wood fire cooking is bbq ... still cheaper ... with Aldi and Lidl cheap briquettes my electric has gone up by £40 ?
Immersion heater or electric shower? Either way, those are both heavy demand electrical appliances. What about dishwashers, washing machines, tumble driers? 297kWh is pretty high for a months usage in autumn, mine was 230kWh last month.
Use one of the free Apps to connect to your smart meter and download your daily usage to see what's going on (or use the Octopus app if you are on Octopus).
Sorry to say but it's very unlikely to be the new smart meter at fault and more likely you've got something draining power that you weren't previously aware of and maybe your old meter was faulty.