Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

If prices continual to go higher it will come to this:)

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Yes, for the 1st time ever I fixed for 3 years about the same time as 413x, and with one of the big 6, who I never thought I would be with again.

Yeah I take no joy in knowing I'm better off than the majority. Its so sad.

I do wonder how many would have fixed if no advice had come back then?
A lot more I bet! People naturally want to fix. And there was so much advice to not.

Mortgage all sorted now for 5 years
Energy for 3.
I genuinely don't care if rates drop back to 1pc or whatever having this security with such a large mortgage debt definitely helps get on with life.

If things aren't better by 3-5 years probably be more to worry about than can even imagine now.

Does anyone see it getting noticeably better in 3 years? I think it will settle. But the April prices might be a new norm.
Once Ukraine and Russia is done hopefully things might drop away.

I don't ever see it being back like it was in August
It's cost of bailing out failed suppliers etc
none in london failed then I take it, and any time they need to dig up power cables in london it must be uber cheap

I'm guessing national grid own most the infastructure anyway? how much are they getting of the standing charge? probably nothing
It’s always been cheaper to distribute electricity in London because of its density.

There are more people and businesses in the same place than anywhere else in the country and they are sharing the costs between more people. There are no poles going to the middle of nowhere to serve electricity to a farm or a few houses. That’s obviously very costly per person compared to a big tower block.
Personally I feel in next 5 years I need a plan for what might be around coming.

Find a potential forever home
Move to solar and hopefully heat pump
Pay down 1/3 my Mortgage (or be able to pay down depending on if landscape is better to invest or pay off)

Really hope technology moves on and solar and heat pumps are either (or both) cheaper and more efficient.

I don't trust the government to be forward thinking enough to ensure our electricity supplies
Used to pay ~£50 a month for my electricity (eco7) that would be with the use of the heating and boiler which are both electric, now its projected to be £110 a month with no heating or hot water.

The thing is, I honestly don't see these energy companies lowering prices, unless the difference is significant. They will just continue to milk the public, recording colossal profits to keep the share holders happy.
The thing is, I honestly don't see these energy companies lowering prices, unless the difference is significant. They will just continue to milk the public, recording colossal profits to keep the share holders happy.

Probably never be as cheap as it was last year.

Its always the same though, you get told to buy energy saving devices to save money but really you buy them to keep the operating costs the same due to the electric unit price going up.

You save money compared to what your old fridge/ washing machine / dishwasher etc would have cost on the new unit price but you are still paying the same or slightly more per month as you were before the price increase, plus the cost of the new device.

All you can do is limit the cost increase but whatever you do those monthly bills still keep going up. I guess investing in a solar system with battery might break that cycle but then you need £10k+ to get it installed.
Energy prices are only going to keep on going up i'm afraid, and quite significantly at that.

As more people start cutting back on their energy usage, the utility companies will need to "level up" by charging more per unit AND increasing standing charges even further to help recover the profits, not forgetting that they will be looking for healthy growth year on year. This is the disease of the capitalist system.

A lot of people won't even be able to afford the daily standing charge if we see this increase to £5/day combined gas/electric, and thus will likely end up not connected to the grid at all. Solar panels will only go so-far in this country, not forgetting that many people won't even have the real estate to cater for them, particularly if they're living in flats or small houses, and also assuming people have the money up front to pay for them.

Make no mistake, 99% of people are going to be significantly affected by this, and if you're sitting there thinking you'll be OK.... you likely won't be.
I'm lucky enough to have got on a 2 year fixed price deal with Octopus in Autumn last year. I deliberately avoided some of the smaller companies as there were rumours about problems ahead and the odd one getting into trouble.... I thought Octopus was big enough and seemed well backed enough that there wouldn't be any issues. In hindsight I wish I'd gone with one of the big 6 instead - Octopus seems fine for now, but given how easily the government has let energy suppliers go bust I'm feeling a bit exposed now...

Still, recognise I'm very lucky compared to people whose suppliers went bust or are on a standard variable rate.

Octopus are pretty huge and got massive amount of funding and supply 3 of the big 6 with massive amount of software etc so they won't be going anywhere. They are also in multiple countries so can move/absorb stuff about more. Wish I had fixed with them end November tbh.
Octopus are pretty huge and got massive amount of funding and supply 3 of the big 6 with massive amount of software etc so they won't be going anywhere. They are also in multiple countries so can move/absorb stuff about more. Wish I had fixed with them end November tbh.
That's reassuring to hear, fingers crossed :)

Just sucks that some people are so exposed to the increases.
Energy prices are only going to keep on going up i'm afraid, and quite significantly at that.

As more people start cutting back on their energy usage, the utility companies will need to "level up" by charging more per unit AND increasing standing charges even further to help recover the profits, not forgetting that they will be looking for healthy growth year on year. This is the disease of the capitalist system.

A lot of people won't even be able to afford the daily standing charge if we see this increase to £5/day combined gas/electric, and thus will likely end up not connected to the grid at all. Solar panels will only go so-far in this country, not forgetting that many people won't even have the real estate to cater for them, particularly if they're living in flats or small houses, and also assuming people have the money up front to pay for them.

Make no mistake, 99% of people are going to be significantly affected by this, and if you're sitting there thinking you'll be OK.... you likely won't be.
Well said. Nvidia are going to lose profits and sales because there new 4000 series graphics card are rumoured to require almost 500w to power it...
another comical channel 4 victims report - April fools wearing T shirts in their homes - jeez I don't expect to wear a T shirt at work or home.

I'm not entirely sure what the issue us with that report and last time I checked, sitting under a load of filming lights to do an interview was quite warm. The report clearly points out the issues with national and local government policy when it comes to energy efficiency and how its pretty difficult to bring old homes up to standard which is completely true.
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