Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I have for 20 months.
It's better than a petrol/diesel car because with an EV you can 're-fuel' at home, for 2p per mile, rather travel miles to an overpriced fuel station :)
Large SUV ev have a range of 150miles, try going out for the day without stressing about getting home
I'm going to keep my petrol car until it is no longer serviceable, I have looked at buying ev but all the 7 seater models have very low range.

Ev cars are a fad, a better alternative is around the corner I'm sure.
Just had a look on auto trader. Basically nothing but Nissan leaf and Renault zoe for under 10k

When I consider my Peugeot 206 automatic 1.6 sport was 3k. I think it's gonna be a while before I get an eV

Since I lost my s2000 I have had little interest in having a nice car.
To be fair I haven't looked so I may be wrong. But there are definitely spots I've been to that don't. That's not to say something around the corner does.

By depreciate I kind of mean EVs are so new they depreciate quite quickly. You can't really get an old enough one where depreciation is negligible. Old petrol cars barely depreciate as you can get old enough decent ones.
I wasn't clear on that one.

That's when I'm hoping to make the switch. When the newer better EVs come down in price on second hand market.

I do want an eV. Obviously they are the future. But with so few miles and use that makes it inconvenient to annoying its just not there for me yet.

But I'm an outlier. I'm sure if price was right 9/10 people would have one now.

I'm actually going to look now and see what's second hand. Not looked in a year or more.
Sorry I don’t mean to be picky but they don’t depreciate quite quickly. Take a old 2nd had Leaf not only has there been zero depreciation but the price of the 2nd hand ones has gone up, its been possible to buy one a few years ago, drive it a reasonable amount and sell it on for the same or more then you paid for it. 2nd hand Leaf's at the moment have better depreciation then most old petrol cars at least in the midlands. I have only been looking in a 50mile radius of where I live. I found with all the fuel problems for ICE cars more people are moving to EV which has increased demand, rising prices.

This might be going a little off topic and I have only been looking at Leaf’s in the midlands not all EV’s.

As you’re an outliner usage wise I can see how EV’s are not there yet for you. Just like long drive usage across the entire UK I am still not keen on EV’s. For the rare once a year long drive, we do, we would use an ICE car over an EV. Even though the EV could in theory work with planned stops it’s the one area where the ICE car is easier to use. Anyway this is going a little off topic. Perhaps we should move back towards energy prices.

Speaking of which personally even with the new energy prices I still prefer EV over ICE car's. Electricity still seems much better value for money over fuel and we have more problems getting fuel around here over the years then we do Electricity.

EDIT: "Just had a look on auto trader. Basically nothing but Nissan leaf and Renault zoe for under 10k"
Not just my area then. Pretty sure they where hovering around 7k to 8k ish 3 years ago so no real depreciation. Good for people who own EV's, bad for those looking to buy a 2nd hand one.
Large SUV ev have a range of 150miles, try going out for the day without stressing about getting home
From what I recall we are never 100miles away from a beach seaside resort in the UK. So no matter where you live you could drive 100 miles to the Beach. Have 50mils spare to park up charge and spare miles to drive to local attractions, have a nice day at the seaside and then day drive 100miles home. For typical usage a 150 miles tank is not a stress to get home. We have had more stressful days trying to get fuel for our ICE car and wondering how to get home then any EV problems.
Sorry I don’t mean to be picky but they don’t depreciate quite quickly. Take a old 2nd had Leaf not only has there been zero depreciation but the price of the 2nd hand ones has gone up, its been possible to buy one a few years ago, drive it a reasonable amount and sell it on for the same or more then you paid for it. 2nd hand Leaf's at the moment have better depreciation then most old petrol cars at least in the midlands. I have only been looking in a 50mile radius of where I live. I found with all the fuel problems for ICE cars more people are moving to EV which has increased demand, rising prices.

This might be going a little off topic and I have only been looking at Leaf’s in the midlands not all EV’s.

As you’re an outliner usage wise I can see how EV’s are not there yet for you. Just like long drive usage across the entire UK I am still not keen on EV’s. For the rare once a year long drive, we do, we would use an ICE car over an EV. Even though the EV could in theory work with planned stops it’s the one area where the ICE car is easier to use. Anyway this is going a little off topic. Perhaps we should move back towards energy prices.

Speaking of which personally even with the new energy prices I still prefer EV over ICE car's. Electricity still seems much better value for money over fuel and we have more problems getting fuel around here over the years then we do Electricity.

EDIT: "Just had a look on auto trader. Basically nothing but Nissan leaf and Renault zoe for under 10k"
Not just my area then. Pretty sure they where hovering around 7k to 8k ish 3 years ago so no real depreciation. Good for people who own EV's, bad for those looking to buy a 2nd hand one.

Yeah you're right with those values they obviously aren't depreciating.
I think its common on second hand market. Looks like I could sell this car (the 207) for more than I paid for it!

But yeah even with electric going up eV still miles ahead in pounds per mile.
I'm guessing parts/mechanical issues are easier too.. Unless battery needs replacing or something
In all honestly I'd be happy with a mileage charge too, based on street level pollution output of course :)

It's effectively what fuel tax is anyway. If it was fixed unlike fuel tax government would have a fairly known quantity of income from it.

Something has to change. But you also need to incetivise EVs. So yeah would need an emissions multiplier

So, again, penalising the poorer who cannot afford initial outlay of EVs?
Yeah you're right with those values they obviously aren't depreciating.
I think its common on second hand market. Looks like I could sell this car (the 207) for more than I paid for it!

But yeah even with electric going up eV still miles ahead in pounds per mile.
I'm guessing parts/mechanical issues are easier too.. Unless battery needs replacing or something

Batteries do need replacing, and in some cases it's actually financially unviable to replace them. Example (sorry for the Mirror link)

Batteries do need replacing, and in some cases it's actually financially unviable to replace them. Example (sorry for the Mirror link)

Heard about stories like this. Not sure if they are true. And not sure if eV batteries work like phone (etc) lithium batteries where older it gets the worse battery life is.
For example charging phone every day certainly has an impact 3-4 years down the line.
From what I recall we are never 100miles away from a beach seaside resort in the UK. So no matter where you live you could drive 100 miles to the Beach. Have 50mils spare to park up charge and spare miles to drive to local attractions, have a nice day at the seaside and then day drive 100miles home. For typical usage a 150 miles tank is not a stress to get home. We have had more stressful days trying to get fuel for our ICE car and wondering how to get home then any EV problems.
Don't know about you but I like to park where I'm visiting not a few miles away to charge the car.
Batteries do need replacing, and in some cases it's actually financially unviable to replace them. Example (sorry for the Mirror link)

This is just click bait (Daily Mirror, Daily Mail etc..) and has been ‘debunked’ years ago. Do people still believe what they read in these papers :cry:
Shock, there are petrol/diesel cars which need new engines occasionally.

In terms of EV batteries, most of the time you just need to replace the dead cell module/s, which could cost from a few hundred pounds.
Basically pay per mile is how it works now. As long as it isn't more than now on ICE cars it's not really any different

Agree but the posters I quoted had stated that it should be based on emissions or have an emissions multiplier attached to per mileage charging which is effectively an extra tax on anyone unable to afford an electric car i.e. they would be taxed less through mileage if they could afford an EV.
Agree but the posters I quoted had stated that it should be based on emissions or have an emissions multiplier attached to per mileage charging which is effectively an extra tax on anyone unable to afford an electric car i.e. they would be taxed less through mileage if they could afford an EV.

True. But I do the you need to tax high polluting cars more. Otherwise I could just get a great big v8. If there's no annual tax. And a tax on miles I'd would be fine for me. The extra cost would be minimal.

I actually think it's not to bad as it stands. Pay per year for a more polluting car. Then pay the more you drive (more you pollute) due to tax being on petrol.
And if you drive a big v8 more. You get hit on the annual. And on the fuel.

Bigger issue for me is how they actually execute getting away from "no gas boilers". Can't see it happening by when they say.
If this in anyway comes in I will be rushing for a gas boiler before it comes in. This isn't a long term house but boiler needs replacing in next 5 years.

Not paying 20k+ to upgrade insulation, radiators, possibly pipes and the pump!
Don't know about you but I like to park where I'm visiting not a few miles away to charge the car.
I have never had to drive a few miles away to find a point to charge a car though we have had to drive a few miles away to find a station that contains fuel for the ICE. This isn't 5 years ago, charge points are common now. When I was on holiday to a lodge in clumber park in the middle of no where the charge point was in the same car park as the lodge while the fuel station was a drive out. You can even drive up to remote Scotland islands now and find not one but multiple charge points and more are being installed by the month. In a lot of areas there are now more places to charge an EV's up then there are fuel stations for an ICE car. Take a look at and zoom out. The UK is hardy short of charge points and the amount of new ones is growing fast. This doesnt even factor in all the home charging points. I think there are now more charge points for EV's then there are patrol stations for ICE cars.

EDIT: That map isn't complete either, there are a ton more EV points not on that map.
This is just click bait (Daily Mirror, Daily Mail etc..) and has been ‘debunked’ years ago. Do people still believe what they read in these papers :cry:
Shock, there are petrol/diesel cars which need new engines occasionally.

In terms of EV batteries, most of the time you just need to replace the dead cell module/s, which could cost from a few hundred pounds.
Surely if it's a hybrid the battery is small and should be cheap?, I've read the full set of model 3 batters cost about that much, so somethings not right. I'd have that the car would still work, just not the hybrid part of it.
I have never had to drive a few miles away to find a point to charge a car though we have had to drive a few miles away to find a station that contains fuel for the ICE. This isn't 5 years ago, charge points are common now. When I was on holiday to a lodge in clumber park in the middle of no where the charge point was in the same car park as the lodge while the fuel station was a drive out. You can even drive up to remote Scotland islands now and find not one but multiple charge points and more are being installed by the month. In a lot of areas there are now more places to charge an EV's up then there are fuel stations for an ICE car. Take a look at and zoom out. The UK is hardy short of charge points and the amount of new ones is growing fast. This doesnt even factor in all the home charging points. I think there are now more charge points for EV's then there are patrol stations for ICE cars.

EDIT: That map isn't complete either, there are a ton more EV points not on that map.
Filling up takes minutes not hours
Surely if it's a hybrid the battery is small and should be cheap?, I've read the full set of model 3 batters cost about that much, so somethings not right. I'd have that the car would still work, just not the hybrid part of it.
The battery probably is a couple of K, the rest of the cost will be labour at Mercedes Benz rates.
Filling up takes minutes not hours
Well it doesnt take hours on an EV either we are down to 10 minutes on a fast charge. With a fast charge you can put 200 km charge on an EV in around just 15 minutes. A typical EV can charge about 80% of its battery capacity in less than 10 minutes. On long drives I am going to have a break anyway and a toilet + snack +coffee break is going to be longer then the time it takes to charge the EV. On a short drive its just not a factor as I wont need to stop to charge.

Plus for an ICE if you factor in driving out of your way to the patrol station. Hoping the station even has fuel. Then queue up to enter the patrol station, then you have to sit by and wait while the fuel pumps, then if it’s not a modern place you have to queue up inside to pay, then drive back onto your route you are often talking far more than just a few minuets.

Compared to an EV where its pull off the drive with a full tank, park up at the end of the day spend 5 seconds plugging it in the EV wins out for me.

The difference is you we are not standing by the car while it is doing charge but you have to stand by the ICE car. Take my holiday to cumber park lodge in the middle of a forest. Every day with an EV I could jump in the car on a full tank with the EV and just drive around wasting zero time. With an ICE car it would have been drive 5 to 15mins to the station queue up, pump, pay, drive off. The EV is taking longer to fuel up but it’s taking up less of my time. The EV is just more convenient in this situation.

It’s the same for work and my daily drive an ICE car would be taking up x100 fold more of my time to keep fueled then an EV. A lot of people don't realize how much time you waste at patrol stations until you stop going to them.
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