generally in the UK our total tax hit is pretty low compared to almost all other comparable nations. We ideally need to pay a lot more tax and for that to be spent wisely..
On a basic income its 13.8% NI and 20% Income Tax.
Another 20% from your already taxed income when you buy anything with VAT, which includes clothing, an unknown amount of tax on fuel for your car (Tax on that is very high, i think about 70% of it is not unrealistic) your gas and electricity has more than one tax on it, some foods have tax.
I don't think i would be wrong in suggesting that as you go through your daily life the reality of tax you're actually paying is 40 to 50 pence in every pound you spend, sure it could be higher, 50%, 60%, 70%? how much of every pound you earn do you want to keep and how much of it do you want to go to the government? Do you want to keep most of it or do you want the government to have more of what you worked for than you have? Where should it end?
Every time they want more money your buying power is reduced, you become poorer.
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