Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Would be more rational to just steal the food, tbh.

Stealing from a supermarket is more or less a victimless crime: the loss suffered is merely a rounding error in the year end accounts, a tiny fraction of a penny for each shareholder. But, if done out of necessity, there's the societal benefit of a hungry person or family getting a meal, or nappies, or whatever.

Less risk of getting caught breaking into homes and you can steal more than a 4 pack of Heinz from someones home. I think we will see an increase in shoplifting and bulgary with bulgary being more profitable
I tried to reduce my monthly DD from Scottish power from £198PM to £100 but it wouldn't let me.

I can afford it for a few months will it will start to take it's toll after that,

Surely if thats a common theme there is going to be an awful lot of people who will just never manage those payments

There is going to be a hell of a lot of pre pay meters forceably installed now. instant cut off if you cant afford to top up.

Bloody disgrace and they will get away with it.
Would be more rational to just steal the food, tbh.

Stealing from a supermarket is more or less a victimless crime: the loss suffered is merely a rounding error in the year end accounts, a tiny fraction of a penny for each shareholder. But, if done out of necessity, there's the societal benefit of a hungry person or family getting a meal, or nappies, or whatever.

You mention rational - desperate people are rarely rational
France is 70% nuclear and replicating that is a process decades in the making. It is not like Macron saw the gas risk and spat out a few nuclear stations. Quite the contrary France has been flirting with reducing nuclear generation.

Many of the politicians complaining about the cost of living will be the same ones opposing further North Sea development and pushing for Net Zero.
France is 70% nuclear and replicating that is a process decades in the making. It is not like Macron saw the gas risk and spat out a few nuclear stations. Quite the contrary France has been flirting with reducing nuclear generation.

Many of the politicians complaining about the cost of living will be the same ones opposing further North Sea development and pushing for Net Zero.

France is, but it is still reliant on gas. It is limiting those cost increases and simply not allowing companies to cream in profit whilst saying they need to increase prices.
These price rises are really really going to hit this winter.
Interest rates

They are all in the up but by time we get to winter typical mortgage rates will be 4 percent
Utilities will be nearly 3x higher than a year ago
Food is also rampant. Feels like slight price increases and almost all. 3 for 2 type.offers gone.

Pretty much every core inescapable cost is rising at the same time.

It'll come to a head around Christmas time I expect. Stories kids with no presents in cold. Old people left to die.
Average income people losing thier homes.

It's looking really really bleak. I don't think media and the publicised economic picture is really coming through yet.
There's still a lot of 'unemployment is low' type remarks.

Pubs, cinema, retail, travel. Its all going to be hit. And hit hard.

We are in no way in difficulty yet. But I feel the price rise on food most. I'll certainly be cutting back on things like takeaways and meals out.
These price rises are really really going to hit this winter.
Interest rates

They are all in the up but by time we get to winter typical mortgage rates will be 4 percent
Utilities will be nearly 3x higher than a year ago
Food is also rampant. Feels like slight price increases and almost all. 3 for 2 type.offers gone.

Pretty much every core inescapable cost is rising at the same time.

It'll come to a head around Christmas time I expect. Stories kids with no presents in cold. Old people left to die.
Average income people losing thier homes.

It's looking really really bleak. I don't think media and the publicised economic picture is really coming through yet.
There's still a lot of 'unemployment is low' type remarks.

Pubs, cinema, retail, travel. Its all going to be hit. And hit hard.

We are in no way in difficulty yet. But I feel the price rise on food most. I'll certainly be cutting back on things like takeaways and meals out.
I might even cancel my sky TV

The above is not a true statement. France is affected by it but their government is artificially keeping the consumer price low by throwing money at the problem (which is what we want our gov to do)

Saying they arent effected by energy prices is a half truth

Not really. Prime examples in the link below;


That looks like throwing money at the problem. Also the article you linked primairly focuses on forcing EDF's generation arm to sell the generated energy at under current market cost and a specific quote from that article states

EDF said the plan could hit its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation by between €7.7bn and €8.4bn based on market prices in December and January. Barbara Pompili, France’s environment minister, said the government planned to help EDF withstand the blow but has offered no details on this.

That quote basically implies using government money to help ease the enforced sale of energy at below market cost.

All 3 are still examples at the french gov of throwing money at the problem to artificially keep prices low

That looks like throwing money at the problem. Also the article you linked primairly focuses on forcing EDF's generation arm to sell the generated energy at under current market cost and a specific quote from that article states

That quote basically implies using government money to help ease the enforced sale of energy at below market cost.

All 3 are still examples at the french gov of throwing money at the problem to artificially keep prices low

Yes but they are limiting the profit of an energy company. I cannot see justification for increasing profits of energy companies when the end user are being hit by ever greater bills which is impacting them both directly and indirectly. The French government are at least doing something to combat this. Ours are doing nothing.
If the french government are 85% shareholders couldn't they have orchestrated a charitable gesture as major shareholders anyway.

That quote basically implies using government money to help ease the enforced sale of energy at below market cost.
still a misconception as far as I'm concerned, if they had sold the energy a year in advance on the futures market current market cost is irrelevant,
50% of the BP profits are not from their generation capability.
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