Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Shell Energy are doing a good job at estimating my bills. I've currently moved out of my property for the last few months, so its ticking over on ~2kw/h per day. My last reading worked out at 56 units for 26 days, so they estimated the next 7 days at another 61 units lol
Going to have to contact my supplier. I request my credit back. But it hasn't happened.

Managed to put my DD down to 66ppm.
Which apparently will leave me 'in debit' at this mythical annual review. It wont.
I simply won't pay by direct debit.. It gives them carte blanche to rinse your bank accounts.

I'm a single person in a one bed house and I'm currently paying about £15 pcm on gas and about £50 in electricity.

Even if you double or tripple that it's still lower than it seems a lot of people are paying via various DD deals...

Of course that will rise in October and rise more as I'll have to use the central heating system, but it just makes me wonder how the hell people are paying so much?
Is the DD money protected somehow, or if the supplier goes bust do you lose it? I've been overpaying for a few months to lessen the shock this winter, so keen to know what would happen.
Credits are protected during the SOLR process. So if a company goes under whoever gains your supply has to fork up the credit you had with the old one so you wont be out of pocket. However if you want the credit back it may take weeks or months due to the SOLR process and making sure eveything is setup correctly

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this, but it appears that Russia has every intention to shut off the gas to Europe, from what I understand Canada gave permission for this "critical to Nord Stream operations" turbine to be exported back to Russia after repairs, however Gazprom have issued a statement saying no single document exists to allow them return of their turbine so it seems they're purposely making out that they can't get the turbine back despite Canada giving permission ?
I simply won't pay by direct debit.. It gives them carte blanche to rinse your bank accounts.

I'm a single person in a one bed house and I'm currently paying about £15 pcm on gas and about £50 in electricity.

Even if you double or tripple that it's still lower than it seems a lot of people are paying via various DD deals...

Of course that will rise in October and rise more as I'll have to use the central heating system, but it just makes me wonder how the hell people are paying so much?
4 kids stay at home wife who l like to wash clothes apparently;) approx 145sqm to heat

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this, but it appears that Russia has every intention to shut off the gas to Europe, from what I understand Canada gave permission for this "critical to Nord Stream operations" turbine to be exported back to Russia after repairs, however Gazprom have issued a statement saying no single document exists to allow them return of their turbine so it seems they're purposely making out that they can't get the turbine back despite Canada giving permission ?
I mean, it shouldn't be a difficult problem to solve should it. Someone take a navy plane and go collect the god damn thing. It is within our ability as a group of intelligent people. Then by doing this ourselves you know for sure if Gazprom are deliberately holding it up.
We arent europe, we can actually export gas if we turned on all the taps. Not heard of these tory plebs running for office mention sensible stuff like producing gas considering the context of war its entirely sensible to do so, imagine if europe thanked us for that production can only help general trade.

My dad grew up just after the war when people were especially poor and he could never get out of the habit of saving his basin water for the next person to use to wash their hands instead of wasting it. Obviously stuff like that always seemed silly to me but UK has definetly been poor in energy etc. before now. Put your kettle water in a thermos if you somehow boil the whole kettle and only use a cup, it'll save a fair bit over a year. Tons of stuff like that, people got used to not doing it but it adds up. Not sure we are getting to the point growing your own spuds in the back garden is required, they arent too hard to grow so long as its not a rainy summer. Plant themselves for the next year if you miss a couple when harvesting :p

Not sure I'd want the hassle but you can put out the pilot light for however long and turn the gas off at the mains. We always did that when leaving after a stay at a caravan, in a house there is a manual igniter on a boiler or the ones Ive seen. Requires priming etc. its a bit of hassle to do, but no more then 5 minutes if its all in working order, some would say 30 seconds depends on the model details.
4 kids stay at home wife who l like to wash clothes apparently;) approx 145sqm to heat
Just having kids is a big one. I work with a guy, just him and his Mrs, they're leccy is about 2Mwh a year. Mine (with 2 kids) is about double that (with another 4Mwh for the car). Our house is about 120sqm, with gas heating.
Our DD is currently £205 and our average monthly usage is £155. I could adjust the DD down, but I'm kind of curious to wait and see if their estimate suggesting £205 is including the upcoming rate hikes or they're just pulling the number out of thin air. I guess I'll find out in October!
I don't get all this furore about wrong direct debits .. if people have smart meters and have been spending some time analysing their usage , the inconvenience of contacting their supplier to fix a direct debit is just incidental whilst Rome is burning.

My dad grew up just after the war when people were especially poor and he could never get out of the habit of saving his basin water for the next person to use to wash their hands instead of wasting it. Obviously stuff like that always seemed silly to me but UK has definetly been poor in energy etc. before now. Put your kettle water in a thermos if you somehow boil the whole kettle and only use a cup, it'll save a fair bit over a year. Tons of stuff like that, people got used to not doing it but it adds up. Not sure we are getting to the point growing your own spuds in the back garden is required, they arent too hard to grow so long as its not a rainy summer. Plant themselves for the next year if you miss a couple when harvesting :p

Not sure I'd want the hassle but you can put out the pilot light for however long and turn the gas off at the mains
You'd nack a manual pilot light mechanism(that locks on the supply once the thermocouples warmed up) if you did stop/start it everyday -
we manually do washing up , with a bowl !, you just leave it full for any kitchen hand washing during the day.
Our DD is currently £205 and our average monthly usage is £155. I could adjust the DD down, but I'm kind of curious to wait and see if their estimate suggesting £205 is including the upcoming rate hikes or they're just pulling the number out of thin air. I guess I'll find out in October!
I’m in the same boat, no doubt they aren’t accounting for the £400 support either
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