Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Things are going to get much worse. We're fortunate enough that we can stomach the extra costs, but some people are going to be living like folks did in the 50s. Rationing their food, washing with cold water, or having showers or baths every 2-3 days instead. Refusing to put the heating on in the winter or simply not having the funds to top up those archaic meters.

Successive governments and the EU have royally screwed us over with their reliance on Russian oil and backward tracking on nuclear energy.
Some people have already been doing that for the past decade or so, Of course now a lot more will be doing it, its starting to hit home.
Our DD is currently £205 and our average monthly usage is £155. I could adjust the DD down, but I'm kind of curious to wait and see if their estimate suggesting £205 is including the upcoming rate hikes or they're just pulling the number out of thin air. I guess I'll find out in October!
Who says your average usage is £155 on the current unit rates (including winter but not with the October rates) did you work it out? If so reduce it down. Or stop paying for guesstimate usage and go onto whole amount DD so you can't pay more than you owe.

Everyone needs to stop blaming the suppliers and take some responsibility.

Only the fixed deals are taking into account the increase in October. The standard rate (ofgem price cap) is only factoring in the April increase.
Also the £400 is not being factored in same reason the Warm home discount is not.
I don't get all this furore about wrong direct debits .. if people have smart meters and have been spending some time analysing their usage , the inconvenience of contacting their supplier to fix a direct debit is just incidental whilst Rome is burning.
People just like to have a bit of a moan and don't like to take any responsibility. Big bad companys and all that even though residential customers are not profitable for any energy company
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Now or before? In any case you can blame the government and regulator Ofgem for that, they set the policies which opened up the market to competition and they decided on the criteria by which new retailers could enter the market.
Hasn't been profitable ever as far as I'm aware. I think EDF made a small profit years ago once but it was about 2 percent or something low, I think it was even lower under 1%, I just know it was something stupid. The profits they are allowed to make are also regulated to very low amounts. Its why small energy companies go bust as they can't pull money from other areas to offset the cost of residential (while also offering stupidly low prices to draw people in that cannot be sustained)

When Npower went under no one wanted to buy it because it came with the condition that whoever bought it would also take the residential customers. Even though the SME (business) side of things was very profitable it took a while for an agreement with EON as residential was bleeding money. Business customers is where the money is.

But yes its the government and ofgems fault entirely.
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Hasn't been profitable ever as far as I'm aware. I think EDF made a small profit years ago once but it was about 2 percent or something low, I think it was even lower under 1%, I just know it was something stupid. The profits they are allowed to make are also regulated to very low amounts. Its why small energy companies go bust as they can't pull money from other areas to offset the cost of residential (while also offering stupidly low prices to draw people in that cannot be sustained)

When Npower went under no one wanted to buy it because it came with the condition that whoever bought it would also take the residential customers. Even though the SME (business) side of things was very profitable it took a while for an agreement with EON as residential was bleeding money. Business customers is where the money is.

But yes its the government and ofgems fault entirely.
This is pretty much what i said several posts ago. When Eon bought npower they only wanted SME and HH business but ofgem basically forced the condition that we had to take residential too. As i said several posts back there is no money in residential unless you operate with a huge customer base as the profits per customer is stupidly lol. Most the profit is from business' and half hourly supplies.
Interesting Octopus wasnt named, their current prediction for my annual electric costs is 10k units a year, which is over 4x my actual usage, this of course led them to try and massively increase my DD wrongly. apparently the software assumes you use much more in winter as well, so those who dont will end up with credit balances all year round that gradually creep up year on year as it doesnt detect its getting it wrong.
Not sure I'd want the hassle but you can put out the pilot light for however long and turn the gas off at the mains. We always did that when leaving after a stay at a caravan, in a house there is a manual igniter on a boiler or the ones Ive seen. Requires priming etc. its a bit of hassle to do, but no more then 5 minutes if its all in working order, some would say 30 seconds depends on the model details.
Haha my boiler usually needs an engineer callout to relight it and has been instances a trained engineer needed an hour to get it lit again, so routinely killing the mains (dont know how to do that anyway) and then relighting it would be problematic, plus the boiler is in a horrible to access location. If it was easy though I would be for sure doing that. The engineer when he did the first safety check he tried to get the boiler moved, but the LL wont pay for anything unless its a legal obligation.
I don't get all this furore about wrong direct debits .. if people have smart meters and have been spending some time analysing their usage , the inconvenience of contacting their supplier to fix a direct debit is just incidental whilst Rome is burning.

The issue is so many people dont understand energy billing, they look at the DD amount and thats it, they dont understand units, unit rates, SC charges etc. all they care about is what they pay each month, so when these providers charge too much they dont know how to handle it. They ring up and get told it is what it is because costs are going up, its those who know they actually been overbilled because they know their actual usage who manage to get it corrected.
What's crazy is that if they make more from companies, as my place renewed recently and is only paying 17p a kwh, so they get massive discounts.

I dunno how much comes from triad periods - during a triad period it can cost like £40 to boil a kettle at work regardless of what the negotiated rate is :s
Things are going to get much worse. We're fortunate enough that we can stomach the extra costs, but some people are going to be living like folks did in the 50s. Rationing their food, washing with cold water, or having showers or baths every 2-3 days instead. Refusing to put the heating on in the winter or simply not having the funds to top up those archaic meters.

Successive governments and the EU have royally screwed us over with their reliance on Russian oil and backward tracking on nuclear energy.

wfh from during winter i shower once every 2-3 days as it is alread :D
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Managed to get my DD down to 65ppm now.
Still need to call Scottish Power to get my credit back. As I'd rather pay more a month and have it back right now.
Who says your average usage is £155 on the current unit rates (including winter but not with the October rates) did you work it out? If so reduce it down. Or stop paying for guesstimate usage and go onto whole amount DD so you can't pay more than you owe.

Everyone needs to stop blaming the suppliers and take some responsibility.

Only the fixed deals are taking into account the increase in October. The standard rate (ofgem price cap) is only factoring in the April increase.
Also the £400 is not being factored in same reason the Warm home discount is not.

People just like to have a bit of a moan and don't like to take any responsibility. Big bad companys and all that even though residential customers are not profitable for any energy company

I meant my average usage since the April price hike (and no central heating on) is £155. We have a smart meter, our bills range between £150-160 at the moment. We have no intention of reducing our usage.

I also haven't complained about the DD, I was just mentioning it for reference and I'm happy to let them mess about with it as I'm curious to see what they're doing. If it ever becomes an issue, I can of course manually adjust it online.
Here's some nightmare fuel. I manage my elderly fathers utilities online for him and his fixed prices ends on 8th August.

These are his current rates


This is a 1 of the 2 (the worst of the 2 by far) 1 year fixes i can renew him onto...

64pkw yikes.
Im going to be looking at £400pm just for electric come December
I've just locked him in at 44.51p elec and 11.36p Gas for another year which by my calculations is just under the 64% projected increase in October. Fortunately he has a sizeable credit on his account and with the £400 from the gov in october/november i've roughly calculated the overall impact on what he will be paying is £1 extra per day for the next year so he's happy with that.
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