Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

4 Oct 2009
I've just watched that video where Lewis is ranting about how a typical user may pay £3240 per year for gas and electric after the new cap comes in play. Are people really complaining that they can't afford that? To be honest, I didn't really know what the typical cost was as I take no notice of what I pay. It just comes out of one of my floating bank accounts by DD that I don't really bother to check. It's the account where you bung a spare £1k into every few weeks. But I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that people will be paying an average of £3240/year. I thought it was going to be something like £5-6k.
18 Aug 2011
I've just watched that video where Lewis is ranting about how a typical user may pay £3240 per year for gas and electric after the new cap comes in play. Are people really complaining that they can't afford that? To be honest, I didn't really know what the typical cost was as I take no notice of what I pay. It just comes out of one of my floating bank accounts by DD that I don't really bother to check. It's the account where you bung a spare £1k into every few weeks. But I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that people will be paying an average of £3240/year. I thought it was going to be something like £5-6k.

Is that you, Boris?
14 Jul 2005
I've just watched that video where Lewis is ranting about how a typical user may pay £3240 per year for gas and electric after the new cap comes in play. Are people really complaining that they can't afford that? To be honest, I didn't really know what the typical cost was as I take no notice of what I pay. It just comes out of one of my floating bank accounts by DD that I don't really bother to check. It's the account where you bung a spare £1k into every few weeks. But I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that people will be paying an average of £3240/year. I thought it was going to be something like £5-6k.
Are you for real?
2 Apr 2009
Location, Location!
I've just watched that video where Lewis is ranting about how a typical user may pay £3240 per year for gas and electric after the new cap comes in play. Are people really complaining that they can't afford that? To be honest, I didn't really know what the typical cost was as I take no notice of what I pay. It just comes out of one of my floating bank accounts by DD that I don't really bother to check. It's the account where you bung a spare £1k into every few weeks. But I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that people will be paying an average of £3240/year. I thought it was going to be something like £5-6k.

Still trolling I see.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
I've just watched that video where Lewis is ranting about how a typical user may pay £3240 per year for gas and electric after the new cap comes in play. Are people really complaining that they can't afford that? To be honest, I didn't really know what the typical cost was as I take no notice of what I pay. It just comes out of one of my floating bank accounts by DD that I don't really bother to check. It's the account where you bung a spare £1k into every few weeks. But I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that people will be paying an average of £3240/year. I thought it was going to be something like £5-6k.
Enough with the trolling, you're embarrassing yourself. 'Floating bank accounts' :rolleyes:
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Yes, I don't know what my average bill is. I do have a smart meter but it's unplugged and boxed away as it spoils the decor.

You mean the IHD is. You cant put away a smart meter :rolleyes:

How on earth is £3240 expensive? I genuinely don't know. It's only £270 per month for god's sake.

The reason its only that figure is maybe prices have more than trebled in a short space of time. Things like petrol/diesel are also nearly double so regular folk are now struggling to manage it.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I've just watched that video where Lewis is ranting about how a typical user may pay £3240 per year for gas and electric after the new cap comes in play. Are people really complaining that they can't afford that? To be honest, I didn't really know what the typical cost was as I take no notice of what I pay. It just comes out of one of my floating bank accounts by DD that I don't really bother to check. It's the account where you bung a spare £1k into every few weeks. But I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that people will be paying an average of £3240/year. I thought it was going to be something like £5-6k.

You’re making it a bit too obvious now. ;)
30 Aug 2014
I've just watched that video where Lewis is ranting about how a typical user may pay £3240 per year for gas and electric after the new cap comes in play. Are people really complaining that they can't afford that? To be honest, I didn't really know what the typical cost was as I take no notice of what I pay. It just comes out of one of my floating bank accounts by DD that I don't really bother to check. It's the account where you bung a spare £1k into every few weeks. But I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that people will be paying an average of £3240/year. I thought it was going to be something like £5-6k.
Lucky you, many are not so lucky.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Rich people exist but wait till they limit supply by units per household then money wont matter. Think that has happened in the past and business was given priority, must be in prospect for Germany surely.

Whatever that trolling, I dont take the opposite view either because yes people can just wear jumpers and you only set the thermostat low its not really a riot issue on that singular point but overall costs including food are rising. If we had strong currency, 2 dollars to the pound would make a lot of these costs less apparent. People want to take UK energy from us and move it to the continent for usage because its cheap to buy from us, partly thats deliberate policy to promote business production (& export) but I got no doubt it makes people poor and feel it.
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