Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
It’s nothing about being passive aggressive or trying to hold them back. I grew up on a council estate and by the very nature of growing up on a council estate meant that we and my parents never had anything. I’ll have nothing passed down to me as my parents have nothing to give. I’m not bitter about that I had a decent upbringing it was different to those who perhaps didn’t grow up Ona council estate.

Now 34 years later I’m in a better position. Me and my wife live modest lives but we do have a home to call our own. We are 4 years into our mortgage with a ltv of around 50% and a projected 17 years left. I will hopefully own my own home which is more than my parents did. Never the less we are not rolling in money, realistically our money will go towards retirement. Our kids, if and when we have them will be looked after and brought up as well as we can but they will make their own way in life, just as all of our family and friends have.

Wasn't intended to be aimed at you - I just see a lot of bitter people who can't stand to see others do well, even when that comes from the merit of their efforts and not trampling on anyone to achieve it, and it does my head in at times (and similar themes to that, even visited on their own kids).
9 Feb 2004
I agree with that, but then they can't also moan if they can't pay their energy bills.

Not sure I really see the comparison there to be honest.
If they see owning a house as completely out of reach, then to them using that money they would be saving for a mortgage on their nice shiny new car is equivalent to "their mortgage". As such they would be in the same predicament regardless. Spend £300pm on the car, or save £300pm towards a mortgage they would be in the same situation with their energy bill costs.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
Thing is for an increasing number in the younger generations forgoing the finance on a nice car doesn't get them materially closer to things like getting on the housing market... it isn't about getting it later it is about having very pessimistic perspective on even getting it later if they did save up.

Spending 400-500 a month on renting a flash car when you rent a house is just madness. In a 3 year lease you could have saved up 18K. That will get yourself on the housing market easily in most area's of the country where a 150-200K house will easily be a decent first time house.
24 Oct 2014
South coast
Housing market is doing some silly thing around here lately where the bottom of the market is increasingly being pushed upwards but the middle of the market pushed downwards to meet it, while the top end is as crazy as ever.
What area of the country is "around here"? I've not seen this happening and instead seen all of it being pushed up, but the middle pushing up slower than the bottom of the market.
30 Nov 2005
I'm not sure what your point is other than trying to make it look like you are very out of touch. People don't save towards what would appear to be nigh on impossible goals as a general thing.

But then many do forgo holidays and cars to do just that, save for a better future
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
What area of the country is "around here"? I've not seen this happening and instead seen all of it being pushed up, but the middle pushing up slower than the bottom of the market.

I think my perspective is somewhat skewed by valuation vs what houses were actually shifting at - a lot of nice detached places were pushing 500K in 17/18 (as advertise) but looking at the numbers the volume selling (at that price) dropped out, now they are "down" to more like 350K and selling more. To put some perspective on it my old neighbour had an offer at 490K for their house in 2018 but wanted 500K so held out, realistically was more a 400K house then compared to what was on sale, ended up selling it for 240K in 2019 when they were desperate and current value is 271K.

Generally - these graphs for around where I work tend to confirm what you are saying:

EDIT: Better picture of the county here

Spending 400-500 a month on renting a flash car when you rent a house is just madness. In a 3 year lease you could have saved up 18K. That will get yourself on the housing market easily in most area's of the country where a 150-200K house will easily be a decent first time house.

It is all somewhat relative to people's circumstances - if someone is spending £500+ on rent and £500+ on a car finance that could get them onto the property ladder with some compromises - but if someone has a mortgage already in similar circumstances forgoing the car doesn't necessarily mean they can get onto the next rung of the housing ladder. But then as you move downwards to where people are living in social housing or still with their parents forgoing stuff like a nice phone or finance on a nice (relative to their circumstances) car doesn't mean they can necessarily take the next step property wise.
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19 Mar 2009
What's retail costing per kW now?

I thought I'd hit the jackpot about 2 weeks before the war kicked off when I signed a year contract to sell mine for 19.8p. I heard its been over double since
13 Jan 2010
I suspect it will be a more silent protest. People just wont/can't pay

But someone has to pay. Like theft in shops. Everyone who does pay will. Likely have to absorb the cost.

Put taxes up? Same effect. Heading for a disaster if prices don't stick below 2k a year long term
9 Jul 2003

Interesting idea, a thermal heat storage core that charges up overnight during the cheap tariff period and provides hot water / heating throughout the day. Doesn't currently make sense financially but with the predicted gas price increases it could be a bit cheaper. Can't find the install cost but likely pretty expensive at the moment, plus with all the app based smart tech you'd be a bit screwed if the company went bust. They are releasing a combi boiler version next which doesn't need a storage tank so could be a very easy swap for most homes.

Just needs energy companies to keep providing cheap energy periods but with these, home batteries and EVs the demand at night will only be going up.
17 Oct 2009

Interesting idea, a thermal heat storage core that charges up overnight during the cheap tariff period and provides hot water / heating throughout the day. Doesn't currently make sense financially but with the predicted gas price increases it could be a bit cheaper. Can't find the install cost but likely pretty expensive at the moment, plus with all the app based smart tech you'd be a bit screwed if the company went bust. They are releasing a combi boiler version next which doesn't need a storage tank so could be a very easy swap for most homes.

Just needs energy companies to keep providing cheap energy periods but with these, home batteries and EVs the demand at night will only be going up.
There's a few of them around, look at the fully charged home series. They also mentioned that it can work without internet, though not sure what features you'd lose access to, if any.
25 Nov 2005
Not really sure where to put this, but if the Chinese economy implodes, that's going to have a massive knock on effect on other economies especially when it comes to our reliance on so many things from China

It's actually pretty scary, how everything seems to be going to hell
1 Mar 2010
Intrigued how will eu impose this 15% gas reduction being tabled - california had rolling(1 hour windows) electricity cuts to ration electric.

govt june energy report curiously doesn't suggest uk people have economised 1Q22; , just warm weather reduction versus last year!

Demand for natural gas fell by 12 per cent in quarter 1 2022, in comparison with quarter 1 2021. This reduction was largely driven by falls in gas used for domestic and electricity generation purposes. Domestic consumption fell by 17 per cent, due to warmer average temperatures reducing the need for domestic heating, and the removal of most Covid-19 restrictions.

Domestic consumption of electricity saw a decrease in Quarter 1 2022, down 6.1 per cent to 30.8 TWh. This reflects warmer average temperatures which reduced electricity demand for heating alongside the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions reducing the amount of time people spent at home.
Gas exports substantially increased in Quarter 1 2022 as UK regasification infrastructure was used to feed European gas supply. Exports more than doubled, driven by a rise in pipeline exports to Belgium and the Netherlands. As these interconnectors are bidirectional, their increased utilisation for exports led to a corresponding fall in imports. This resulted in an 11 per cent reduction in total imports to the UK, and a 22 per cent fall in net imports...

Thats a tricky one because if the energy companies were making billions from UK households I would say sure, thats wrong. If they made £50m that might only be a few pounds per UK household so completely wiping out that profit wouldn't change a damn thing for anyone. The core issue is the price of energy.
still not sure we really know what that is ( for petrol too) if, it had been bought on the futures market in advance , even today! gas has dropped by 50% in a years time,
I think I posted before that shell trading arm makes just as much profit as selling the oil/gas they extract, so that's where a lot of profits made.
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