Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Its almost as if they could use those nuclear power stations they have been decommissioning since 2011.....

The German greens as part of government are resisting
They aren't doing themselves any good in the mid term I suspect
You can argue about the nuclear waste issue (rightly) but worrying about that when the climate could be melting down far sooner than that seems to be messing up your priorities to me
19 Jun 2009
Central Scotland
Email received from Scottish Power today. My fixed rate is up at the end of August. If I switch to a new (more expensive) tariff now, they'll switch me straight away - that's a bit sneaky. Think I'll wait til the end of August, thanks. Also glad I've got the log burner to keep the house warm in winter. Gas is only used for hot water an hour a day (will try and drop that to 45 mins and see if there's enough hot water left) and occasional central heating if I'm not home (Mrs doesn't like using the fire). According to SP, my DD will rise from £72 to £205 per month if I switch to another year fixed :eek:
27 Feb 2015
Cheers anyways for the info. Good to know in futures years possibly but seems worth just sticking with variable then. Typical missing out but that is life with things. Will just keep trying to ride it out.
Yeah seems was only 3 days ago, must be frustrating, but sorry I gave you bad info, I should have checked first it was still valid.
13 Jan 2010
Nuclear should have always been a big part of energy. Only downscaling when renewables picks up.

Its relatively stable in price. Toxic but stored properly not an issue. And way better than fossil fuels. In basically every way.

We are being punished for not planning ahead.

Really, the planet needs this. We'd never switch away from fossil fuels without some other factor.
And putin turning off the gas certainly meets it.
5 Jul 2003
The higher the prices go, the more of those middle classes become those with nothing to lose. If they can't afford to make the repayments on that financed car or big mortgage then what do you think is going to happen?
They'll still have everything to lose, just much lower spending power. I see it at work, several people in my department know it's coming, haven't done anything to combat the rises and just shrug and accept that it'll cost what it costs. Never underestimate the power of apathy and outright laziness :D

I've no idea what'll happen, there'll certainly be a lot of complaining after the October cap change the same as there was this April. There was a lot of noise after the April rise but that settled down with in a few weeks*. There might be a big kick off, but I won't be surprised if there isn't.

*I'm talking about the general public, not people in threads like these. One of the girls in the office genuinely asked me "what price rises?" when I mentioned it the other week, she had no idea, her husband pays the bills.
27 Feb 2015
Debt relief is for those who absolutely can't pay and their finances will be gone through to make sure that's the case. Simply not paying doesn't qualify you for debt relief.
That didnt happen with my sister, she was only asked very basic questions. They didnt look at her bank statements, what she spent money on etc. But if its how you said they look into it with extreme detail and make sure its not been abused then fair enough.

The site that was linked to earlier in the thread the only requirement is you have savings of under £1000 and contact a help line first.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
They'll still have everything to lose, just much lower spending power. I see it at work, several people in my department know it's coming, haven't done anything to combat the rises and just shrug and accept that it'll cost what it costs. Never underestimate the power of apathy and outright laziness :D

I've no idea what'll happen, there'll certainly be a lot of complaining after the October cap change the same as there was this April. There was a lot of noise after the April rise but that settled down with in a few weeks*. There might be a big kick off, but I won't be surprised if there isn't.

*I'm talking about the general public, not people in threads like these. One of the girls in the office genuinely asked me "what price rises?" when I mentioned it the other week, she had no idea, her husband pays the bills.

At the moment it still hasn't been seen the true impact as people are still on their fixed rates for mortgage and energy. In around 18 months a lot will soon realise. I have noticed a lot of head in the sand people though.
5 Sep 2010
That didnt happen with my sister, she was only asked very basic questions. They didnt look at her bank statements, what she spent money on etc.

The site that was linked to earlier in the thread the only requirement is you have savings of under £1000 and contact a help line first.

The British Gas scheme requires:
  • Proof of money advice received in the last three months – individuals and families fund only [which will include going into your income and expenditure]
  • Proof of all household income – including three recent consecutive wage slips or benefit statement less than a year old
  • A meter read for your gas and/or electricity account – if you’re a British Gas customer – or your most recent gas and electricity bill
The e-on scheme requires:
  • Proof of all household income for yourself and anyone living with you for the current tax year.
  • All pages from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) stating your entitlement to a benefit and the amounts due to be paid for the current tax year.
  • Pension letters for State or private pensions.
  • Medical confirmation from the organisation that referred you to the fund or a medical DS1500 form or medical confirmation from a consultant or your doctor.
  • Please note all supporting evidence must be less than three months old with the exception of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) annual benefit letters, for example, State Pension and Child Benefit letters. All documents must clearly show name and address details as well as the amounts currently being received for the current tax year.
And "We use a three-month Provisional Award Scheme for grants. This means that to receive an award, you’ll need to show your commitment to achieving financial sustainability by making payments for your current usage."
9 Mar 2003
The higher the prices go, the more of those middle classes become those with nothing to lose. If they can't afford to make the repayments on that financed car or big mortgage then what do you think is going to happen?

Take two foreign holidays a year instead of 3? Not spend £lol at Christmas?

Of course they have a lot to lose, the last thing they will want to be is out on the streets instead of in their cushy 4 bed detached in the suburbs. For the middle classes credit rating is everything but fortunately they tend to have a lot of disposable income (well they did!) and it’s unlikely they will be making heat or eat decisions.
5 Jul 2003
At the moment it still hasn't been seen the true impact as people are still on their fixed rates for mortgage and energy. In around 18 months a lot will soon realise. I have noticed a lot of head in the sand people though.

It certainly hasn't and it's going to be a brutal winter and looks like prices are going to continue rising into 2023 at least.

I was one of those whose supplier went bust in q3 2021 so I think it gave me an early heads up to the beginning of the price rises, I couldn't do anything about it for 6 months though as it took that long for my accounts to be reinstated with the new suppliers. I locked in last week and feel quite lucky to have locked in for a year at 35p elec and 11p gas, if you'd told me this time last year that was considered a good deal I'd assume you were suffering from a serious head injury :D
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