Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
what is inappropriate about the measure, yes, needs to be updated as the cost of living projections change,
but otherwise ability to pay is encapsulated as minimum income the household is expected to have considering state allowances - unsurprisingly, there is method in the madness - jeez.
Martin Lewis (he's becoming like trump) puts out similar rhetoric, maybe he could explain details.


It doesnt make sense when if your in a band C or above your automatically excluded, they say its impossible to be in fuel poverty
So a disabled pensioner on basic state pension receiving lots of allowances who we know would me massively struggling would be in fuel poverty in a band D or worse, but not in a band C or better.
Seeing as the C and D are somewhat arbitrary and a bit of opinion (from surveys I have seen) then clearly that is not a good measure, and yet its black and white per the definition.

The old measure was terrible as well, 10% of income spent on fuel would be getting close to our house being in fuel poverty with income over £100k.

This is always the problem with these sorts of metric, they rarely make sense as they assume everyone is the same.

Pre rises it would probably have not been terrible, but right now its clearly daft.
When you design measures you should test them properly, clearly no one thought to check it would cope with unexpected price rises.

These measure (both of above) are useful if you consider the trend, but are useless for anything else.
13 Jan 2010
Feels like we have gone back to basics

If you have natural resources you're fine.
Russia, Norway, USA etc

If you don't and you have too big a population (most of Europe) you're screwed.

The fluff on the top, services etc, doesn't mean much when you can afford basics.
Dark times for Europe in particular in next few years

No way out of this one. Its nearly out of our control completely apart from the resources owned by corps.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
i reroofed my house before installing the panels and whilst they were doing it got the builder to take down my chimney (i had had the breast taken out of my lounge a few years ago so it was not functional all it was was a shade creator on the roof)
How much did it cost to get the chimney breasts out if you don’t mind me asking? How many were there?
23 May 2006
I don't mind you asking but I can't remember on the chimney breast as it was at same time as having an extension.
the chimney stack off the roof was "free" whilst doing the roof.
I will say this tho. I was chatting to the builder on Friday as it happens and he has had to put his prices up 50% and that is mostly materials. he is quoting for jobs now in April/may next year and is only promising to honour labour and will give final materials quotes 6 weeks before commencing. he has just had to contact a client to tell him he can't honour a quote he made 6 months ago for 40k and it's now almost 60k and my extension which was 18k 4 years ago would be 30k now.

utter bonkers.
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23 Jan 2010
St helens
nows a good time on youtube i bet for these DIY power generation videos like making a wind turbine from an old car alt and some old car batterys!

kris harbour on youtube has wind , solar and water power for his of grid build , interesting channel
5 Mar 2010
I do wonder when people will start to say enough is enough, and a deal has to be done with Russia. It's like Europe is cutting off its nose to spite it's face.

Vast amounts of the population will not be able to afford £400+ a month on energy bills. The government also won't be able to afford to keep giving out grants.

I don't really see a viable alternative. It'll take many years to bring new energy projects online, which leaves the country at the mercy of Russia.
23 May 2006
If only Putin has warned us of the consequences of our interference.
this is on Putin not anyone else. this isn't the west meddling in a country and a culture we have no business in, this is a tyrant waging war on our doorstep and if we don't step in to help stop the tyrant and protect the invaded country then we have all failed ...... if we had taken your attitude with Hitler we would likely all be under the thumb of nazi Germany now and god help any Jews
18 Oct 2002
7th Level of Hell...
I do wonder when people will start to say enough is enough, and a deal has to be done with Russia. It's like Europe is cutting off its nose to spite it's face.

Well, no. They aren't putting these sanctions in place just to give 2 fingers to Russia, the sanctions are there to stem the flow of cash into Russia which it is using to finance it's war machine to buy more arms
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
If only Putin has warned us of the consequences of our interference.

There was an interesting take on the Joe Rogan podcast a couple days ago from someone, they suggested Russia are waiting it out, trying to hold as much ground as they can until Winter, where they can really bring the pain to the EU by cutting off gas completely unless they stop interferring and let Russia take the Ukraine.

Considering the stances France and Germany have taken recently I wouldn't be surprised if that was the plan, after all they have both been in talks with Putin. While the general public may be against the war currently, come winter when everyone is freezing their balls off they really won't care at all.
17 Apr 2009
Agile for Electric and Tracker for gas is better.

Tracker is 11p gas unit, Agile is 35p unit electric, and they will be fixed for year, they may also give you cheaper off peak (especially tracker). Finally agile is also only 21p day SC.

So glad I saw this. I'd assumed that Agile was a flex tariff and I was considering swapping away from it! A 35p per kWh cap through to June next year will do nicely though :p

I'm on Flexible Octopus for gas though :( Guess we will be relying on electricity more than gas this Winter. I wonder how long we have before the price Gough Ng starts on electric blankets, etc.?
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13 Jan 2010
Yeah public will soon want to do a deal with Russia. People won't care about Ukraine when family are dying and people are losing their homes getting ill and have no money left.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I do wonder when people will start to say enough is enough, and a deal has to be done with Russia. It's like Europe is cutting off its nose to spite it's face.

Vast amounts of the population will not be able to afford £400+ a month on energy bills. The government also won't be able to afford to keep giving out grants.

I don't really see a viable alternative. It'll take many years to bring new energy projects online, which leaves the country at the mercy of Russia.

I'm amazed how many people believe the snake words and gaslighting Russia employs - even after all the blatant lying Russia has engaged with in the UN, etc. which is so outrageous even a child should see it for what it is.

Any kind of deal with Russia will be on their terms, while they use it to game the situation to make the path to their long term aspirations easier. Capitualating to Russia, which will be what it is, will simply be swapping short term relief for a much bigger long term problem. Russia isn't interested in any other kind of negotiation despite their words.
20 Dec 2004
There was an interesting take on the Joe Rogan podcast a couple days ago from someone, they suggested Russia are waiting it out, trying to hold as much ground as they can until Winter, where they can really bring the pain to the EU by cutting off gas completely unless they stop interferring and let Russia take the Ukraine.

Considering the stances France and Germany have taken recently I wouldn't be surprised if that was the plan, after all they have both been in talks with Putin. While the general public may be against the war currently, come winter when everyone is freezing their balls off they really won't care at all.
People still think this about Ukraine? :rolleyes:
18 Feb 2006
I think I'm an going to just not use the heating this year

I think we might need a 'spec me a warm jumper thread' as I am contemplating cutting my usage in solidarity. Not sure my current fleet of jumpers will quite cut being inactive around the house though!
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