Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

unfortunately we are in this mess because of climate change deniers. we could have been far closer to net zero by now if people hadn't kicked the can down the road like you are suggesting 25 years ago.
yes it is really difficult now, but blaming people wanting green and coming out with crap like "you would rather people die" is the attitude which got us here. when temps are hitting over 40 degrees in countries where that never happens, mass flooding , radical weather patterns. yeah it has happened before on a planetary scale but these changes have come over 1000s of years not half a century like now. This is mostly a man made problem and cutting carbon is the only way, and even now it is likely too slow. Jonathan Pie did an interesting sketch on it. yes it's comedy but like most of his stuff it's mostly on point.
how many people have died in the last few months due to the crazy weather. at least it is possible to wrap up warm and you can use a hot water bottle rather than heat a whole room.

but unless you can afford Aircon (which itself is terribly.wasteful) it's a lot harder to cool down in a heat wave......
i don't want anyone to die in the cold but I don't want my son or future grandchildren to live like mad Max either.
we waste so much energy....... either through insulation, inefficient goods or just frivolous stuff (I am guilty too). perhaps discouraging that is better than opening coal mines and certainly better than frakking.
Yes that insulation was really helping last week lol.

The UK's emission is insignificant compared to the emissions or other nations, if we turned every off it would not make the slightest difference. One active volcanoes belches out more gas than all man made emissions.
We couldn't get green energy properly out there when times were good. It's never going to get there.

I certainly wouldn't want to be a kid now!

If we had good green solutions in place we wouldn't be in this mess.
Of course climate change is a thing, but there's also pragmatism, and if people are going to be freezing to death THIS winter, then that's more urgent.
but there are surely other ways........ there is a huge amount we could do that don't involve opening coal mines...... I genuinely know people using 100kw/h per DAY of electricity. I absolutely believe everyone of us could cut our energy usage ,.some of us a lot more than others. I wouldn't want to do it long term but temporarily to see out the winter then sure. fortunately I already hardly use any power so I guess I am biased... but no one is going to die from cold from reducing the temp in their house to 17 degrees and putting a jumper on.

maybe in the winter and we are looking at a cold snap for a few weeks .... invite your parents over to stay if they are struggling and only heat one house. not everyone could do this but *some* can
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Coal can be clean if using carbon capture, but that costs a lot money...

The other problem is Germany is flattening woodland to mine it. So much for a green government.

Like construction, the energy industry is corrupt. A lot of decision makers are on the take. The whole world really needs a top down purge or it's never going to be saved.
The earth is warming just like is has in past we will adapt, we are not saving the planet the planet will still be here long after we have died out as a species. The arrogance of man means we think we can stop it, we cant
but there are surely other ways........ there is a huge amount we could do that don't involve opening coal mines...... I genuinely know people using 100kw/h per DAY of electricity. I absolutely believe everyone of us could cut our energy usage ,.some of us a lot more than others. I wouldn't want to do it long term but temporarily to see out the winter then sure. fortunately I already hardly use any power so I guess I am biased... but no one is going to die from cold from reducing the temp in their house to 17 degrees and putting a jumper on.
People will die this winter if it's a bad one because they will be too scared to even put their heating on. That is more urgent than climate change IMO.
I notice your sig, is that out of date or are you driving a 6 year old diesel? I assume that's pragmatism, otherwise you'd have an EV...
but there are surely other ways........ there is a huge amount we could do that don't involve opening coal mines...... I genuinely know people using 100kw/h per DAY of electricity. I absolutely believe everyone of us could cut our energy usage ,.some of us a lot more than others. I wouldn't want to do it long term but temporarily to see out the winter then sure. fortunately I already hardly use any power so I guess I am biased... but no one is going to die from cold from reducing the temp in their house to 17 degrees and putting a jumper on.
i let youu into a secret i went through a bad financial time few yrs back, i lived on my own and worked full rime, i sat out the winter with barely any heating, i was in tears some nights due to pain of the cold and im a strong ox of a guy, i came home jumped in bed with 3 duvets, wrapped a duvet round when i left the room, how to you think older and frailer folk will cope, u seriously think a jumper will help a frail old person survive, maybe think how others less fortunate will cope this winter
People will die this winter if it's a bad one because they will be too scared to even put their heating on. That is more urgent than climate change IMO.
I notice your sig, is that out of date or are you driving a 6 year old diesel?
Probably to and from the fuel/green protests
People will die this winter if it's a bad one because they will be too scared to even put their heating on. That is more urgent than climate change IMO.
I notice your sig, is that out of date or are you driving a 6 year old diesel? I assume that's pragmatism, otherwise you'd have an EV...

It's moot anyway, we don't have the coal plants to generate nearly enough of our needs.
i let youu into a secret i went through a bad financial time few yrs back, i lived on my own and worked full rime, i sat out the winter with barely any heating, i was in tears some nights due to pain of the cold and im a strong ox of a guy, i came home jumped in bed with 3 duvets, wrapped a duvet round when i left the room, how to you think older and frailer folk will cope, u seriously think a jumper will help a frail old person survive, maybe think how others less fortunate will cope this winter
FFS stop putting words in people's mouth. this is the 2nd time you have done this ina few posts. I thought I was obvious. if everyone lowers the temps of their home by a few degrees it lowers the strain. I too remember having ice on the inside of my windows and having thick heavy blankets.... so cold that you could see mist from your mouth inside the home. this was quite the norm for many people even just 40 years ago........ but I am not suggesting people do that. I am saying with some community spirit and everyone managing their usage it won't come to that, and the government helping those most in need.
Some people won't even be able to afford that.

I will burn coal all winter and not use gas, the coal is already paid for so no nasty shocks
People will die this winter if it's a bad one because they will be too scared to even put their heating on. That is more urgent than climate change IMO.
I notice your sig, is that out of date or are you driving a 6 year old diesel? I assume that's pragmatism, otherwise you'd have an EV...
My next car will be an EV. I regret buying the diesel. I fell for the marketing lies of eco diesel. electric cars are great but expensive. also it is brainless to replace a perfectly functional vehicle and getting electric. electric cars only make sense if you naturally replace fossil burners with them when the time comes .... not going out and buying a. electric car when you don't need one. you are right tho I didn't really used to think much about the environment... having a child focusses the mind. what ever we do it likely won't be so bad for me, I am not bothered about myself, more worried about my kid and his kids.
I do minimise milage however and car share where possible... but am no angel.
FFS stop putting words in people's mouth. this is the 2nd time you have done this ina few posts. I thought I was obvious. if everyone lowers the temps of their home by a few degrees it lowers the strain. I too remember having ice on the inside of my windows and having thick heavy blankets.... so cold that you could see mist from your mouth inside the home. this was quite the norm for many people even just 40 years ago........ but I am not suggesting people do that. I am saying with some community spirit and everyone managing their usage it won't come to that, and the government helping those most in need.
words? facts, cant you take some facts of a real life story, you want me to show you my gas bill for last 2weeks, i have stopped cooking on gas, heating we dont need anyway atm, this is what i learnt during that time, im not as bad off as got there. but that experience has taught me what i can do to do my part to save energy to save money
Energy Charges for Meter G4P0503 13th July 2022 1777.0 Customer reading 26th July 2022 1777.0 Smart meter reading Consumption 0.0 Units (m3 ) Energy Used* 0.0 kWh @ 7.08p/kWh £0.00 Standing Charge 13 days @ 25.92p/day £3.37 Subtotal of charges before VAT £3.37 VAT @ 5.00% £0.17 Total Gas Charges £3.54

btw i even wash nearly everythinh in cold water
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