Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Some people won't even be able to afford that.

I will burn coal all winter and not use gas, the coal is already paid for so no nasty shocks
No open fire here unfortunately, or I'd be doing similar (and raiding the local woods...) but I'm very very fortunate to be locked into a cheap deal until 2024.
I do however feel for people who will really struggle, and for me, helping them is more important than emmisions right now. If I was in their shoes and had a fireplace I'd be burning anything to stay warm.
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I’m wondering who pays the leccy for keeping lights on in empty shops, offices etc?

If energy prices are bad, there’s no need to have lights on in empty units
it is exactly this sort of thing which ****** me off. it's like when we had a hose pipe ban a few years ago and yet there were multiple.burstd with water peeing across the road for days on end.

So much for using public spaces to stay warm this winter
I rented a place with my ex with storage heaters which we didn’t benefit from as when we got home from our work, place was freezing. We couldn’t change the output time.

We switched the things off, went to Leeds market and bought some thick chunky jumpers. They were hideous but kept us warm. Along with cups of tea and coffee

I have been to people’s homes and I found their heating too hot. One of my friends says her sister has heating on at 25c so can she can wear strappy tops and shorts all year round. My friend finds it unbearable, esp at Christmas. When there was 15 relatives in the house.
words? facts, cant you take some facts of a real life story, you want me to show you my gas bill for last 2weeks, i have stopped cooking on gas, heating we dont need anyway atm, this is what i learnt during that time, im not as bad off as got there. but that experience has taught me what i can do to do my part to save energy to save money
Energy Charges for Meter G4P0503 13th July 2022 1777.0 Customer reading 26th July 2022 1777.0 Smart meter reading Consumption 0.0 Units (m3 ) Energy Used* 0.0 kWh @ 7.08p/kWh £0.00 Standing Charge 13 days @ 25.92p/day £3.37 Subtotal of charges before VAT £3.37 VAT @ 5.00% £0.17 Total Gas Charges £3.54

btw i even wash nearly everythinh in cold water
real your bloody neck in and read what I said. I have no interest in your specific use and don't doubt you. (for the record I currently use about 3kw/h of electric energy a day fro. the grid and my gas bill is pretty much the standing charge. I am a net provider of electricity for 6 months of the year..... but I am fortunate that I was able to afford solar .
i said if we ALL cut our energy use by lowering temps etc a few degrees in winter it would help out. clearly you do that already so it's not aimed at you. but hey you carry on accusing people of wanting people to die in winter....

I don't believe frakking is the answer or going back to coal power stations (even if it is feasible and not convinced it is)
real your bloody neck in and read what I said. I have no interest in your specific use and don't doubt you. (for the record I currently use about 3kw/h of electric energy a day and my gas bill is pretty much the standing charge. I am a net provider of electricity for 6 months of the year..... but I am fortunate that I was able to afford solar .
i said if we ALL cut our energy use by lowering temps etc a few degrees in winter it would help out. clearly you do that already so it's not aimed at you. but hey you carry on accusing people of wanting people to die in winter....

I don't believe frakking is the answer or going back to coal power stations (even if it is feasible and not convinced it is)
i would be interested in seeing the green lobby energy bills, lets se if you all practice what u preach or u all ******* hypocrites. lol

The missus can have this and leave the heating off
The earth is warming just like is has in past we will adapt, we are not saving the planet the planet will still be here long after we have died out as a species. The arrogance of man means we think we can stop it, we cant

I can't tell if you are joking here. Are you suggesting that mankind hasn't caused rapid global warming well outside the normal cycle of the planet?

We can 100% halt and reverse it but only if we take drastic action.

Millions will die if we don't do something so sacrificing the future for the sake of far fewer people now is ridiculous.
i would be interested in seeing the green lobby energy bills, lets se if you all practice what u preach or u all ******* hypocrites. lol
my electricity bill for June -july was me in profit by £1.25. my gas was about £13 mostly standing charge. of course I could be lying you can choose to believe me or not it's no concern of mine.
PS I will say my wife gets v.cheesed off at me constantly micromanaging our energy use
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Sounds like you are wealthy enough not to be bothered anyway
at the moment I am more fortunate than many. it's not always been the case. but I AM bothered. having a few quid in the bank does not make up for other people's misery or the state of things to come for our kids generation.

but sure I have less concerns than some.

PS getting pissy with each other and hurling insults is gonna help no one. regardless of views itd gonna affect us all one way or another . so for my part in any bad feeling I apologise.
I took my fridge freezer apart and l cleaned the muck of the cooling pipes it made a nice drop to it's weekly energy consumption. I recommend you all take a look, I bet none on your put up with a dirty heat sink covered in dust
my electricity bill for June -july was me in profit by £1.25. my gas was about £13 mostly standing charge. of course I could be lying you can choose to believe me or not it's no concern of mine.
its not to do with believing its more to practice what you preach for those in general, folk get more respect when they practice what they preach, when you see these so called eco warriors going off in gas guzzling planes to conferences when video calling would do as well, or those off to protest in diesel buses, lorries etc, thats all us common folk think, is hypocrites. the vast majority of the public wont take these folk seriously when then do these things.

these are trying times, the first thought should be to protect your family and then to others less fortunate who will going to suffer if not die this winter, and myself will try everything and anything to help those folk
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