Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Yeah there is 2 and they vary from region to region.

The way Ofgem have been announcing it as some big lump sum annual cost has been very misleading and confusing.

apparently ... because there is a single electricity cap per region,
it's been discussed before here, low users pay disproportionately more per unit because of sc,
Ofgen had thus considered that this is not fair and that there should be a standing charge cap - go and checkout their analysis.

49. The burden of the standing charge falls disproportionately on those who consume the least energy because it forms a large part of their total bills and means they pay the highest price overall for each unit of energy (see paragraph 34 above). These are generally low income households, who are also most likely to be on the SVTs and the poorest value tariffs generally and to be fuel poor and most in need of help with energy bills.

The CMA went further. In setting the PPM price cap for nil consumption at the average standing charge of the Big Six energy firms’ PPM tariffs it broke the standing charge down into its components. It stated that “the value of the price cap at nil consumption does not include, nor need to include, network costs since these are volume driven”63. It said that the network charging statements of the network companies defined ‘use of system’ charges to be nil at nil consumption64 . Thus it has been acknowledged that almost all (if not all) network costs should be recovered through the unit rate.

The benefits of a cap on the standing charge would also be further enhanced if the
Government withdrew value added tax (VAT), currently levied at 5% on all elements of
energy bills, from the standing charge. This would be on the basis that the standing
charge confers the ability to access a supply of energy, which is a necessity83
.There is a
belief that EU rules prevent this but that does not appear to be the case.
Still think it's ridiculous that VAT remains at 5% despite a 3-400% bill increase after October compared to early last year, unless my maths is totally failing me, it's equivalent to paying VAT at 15-20% on the old rates.
Still think it's ridiculous that VAT remains at 5% despite a 3-400% bill increase after October compared to early last year, unless my maths is totally failing me, it's equivalent to paying VAT at 15-20% on the old rates.
You do know that even at the "ofgem average household cost of £3400" the VAT is only £170 a year or 46p a day. Will you notice 46p a day?
OPEC tightening the screws with a ridiculously small increase in output.

Filled up earlier and ASDA put a £99 hold on my card, first time I've had that happen. Not an issue on that card but for some people that could cause budget problems.
Then they have to turn around and pay out to help people with bills, should just lower the tax/scale it back short term whilst the price is high per unit/gallon of fuel etc.

Standing Charge could also be lowered but paid for longer, it's all an exercise in keeping costs down as far as I'm concerned, if they put effort into it, even with higher wholesale prices, it will be less ridiculous.
But if the market wants to keep the price high, we have little choice but to accept it, either that or they could just cut back production to keep price high to max profits

Indeed they can, but its no different to any other industry
OPEC is a cartel and can function as one

The reality is the best bet for the UK is to become as self sufficient as possible and ensure that if needed we have a government who is willing to ensure the natives have affordable energy
I'm guessing you're on a Pay As You Go tariff, which is normally more expensive than a standard direct debit tariff. I'm happy enough for my supplier to have my credit for 6 months, as I'd only make coppers from the interest on it anyway. For me, the savings from being on a standard direct debit far outweigh the additional cost of a PAYG tariff.

I'm with EDF and I agree that their customer support can be hit and miss. I find that things go far smoother when I'm speaking to somebody in the same country as me and who doesn't work in an offshore call centre.
No, normal credit account. I use a Stirling current account so the money I set aside in there for bills earns interest as well.
I'd hire Norwegian government to setup and run nationalisation of our utilities, wouldn't trust our lot to do it
I have a couple of norwegian friends and even they say their gov is switched on for energy generation. Admiteddly there is massive variance in the country. For example 1 is near Oslo and paying pretty high prices while the other is near Vadso in the far far north east of Norway and hes paying 0.2p kwh (thats not a typo)

Norwegian Hydro

Norwegian Wind

I'd hire Norwegian government to setup and run nationalisation of our utilities, wouldn't trust our lot to do it
Norway made carbon sources much more expensive to get people into EVs etc. Also incentivised those that did make that shift with free parking etc. it seems people here just want fuel to be cheaper rather than making that step over something more sustainable.
Norway made carbon sources much more expensive to get people into EVs etc. Also incentivised those that did make that shift with free parking etc. it seems people here just want fuel to be cheaper rather than making that step over something more sustainable.

If UK can make EVs affordable then more would switch. How are the people who can only spend sub £4k on a car meant to afford EV vehicles?
If UK can make EVs affordable then more would switch. How are the people who can only spend sub £4k on a car meant to afford EV vehicles?
Affordable ones are coming like the one Fisker are just bringing out. We do need to be a bit more proactive here. Take away VAT at least on all low carbon technologies, Norway do this.
Affordable ones are coming like the one Fisker are just bringing out. We do need to be a bit more proactive here. Take away VAT at least on all low carbon technologies, Norway do this.

That's against or Government's DNA. Squeeze them more until they squeal and keep squeezing even more.
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