Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

As a person living on the second floor of a block of flats what are my options for charging point installation if I wanted an EV?

I am based in Scotland.

This, the management company for my block are absolutely awful too (glad i'm just a tenant and don't own here), so the chances of them investing any money into it are absolutely zero.
Ofgem are a joke, their entire purpose is to regulate the market to protect consumers, yet all they have been doing is regulate the market in the interest of protecting those energy suppliers and not caring about the consumer at all.

Who on earth is going to be able to afford these insane price hikes, are we going to end up in a situation where a large portion of the country are in energy debt, with CCJs flying around left and right as these companies desperately try to get their money back.

If something doesn't happen soon, this is going to have a profound impact on the economy, even worse than the whole covid thing.
Ofgem are a joke, their entire purpose is to regulate the market to protect consumers, yet all they have been doing is regulate the market in the interest of protecting those energy suppliers and not caring about the consumer at all.

Who on earth is going to be able to afford these insane price hikes, are we going to end up in a situation where a large portion of the country are in energy debt, with CCJs flying around left and right as these companies desperately try to get their money back.

If something doesn't happen soon, this is going to have a profound impact on the economy, even worse than the whole covid thing.
I think their hands are tied somewhat - they can't influence the wholesale price of gas. The price cap DID protect consumers at the expense of a bunch of energy resellers that went bust because they had to sell their energy for considerably less than they had to pay for it.
Ofgem are a joke, their entire purpose is to regulate the market to protect consumers, yet all they have been doing is regulate the market in the interest of protecting those energy suppliers and not caring about the consumer at all.

Who on earth is going to be able to afford these insane price hikes, are we going to end up in a situation where a large portion of the country are in energy debt, with CCJs flying around left and right as these companies desperately try to get their money back.

If something doesn't happen soon, this is going to have a profound impact on the economy, even worse than the whole covid thing.

What rubbish

OFGEM cant force the companies to sell at a loss (well apart from via a short term mechanism)

When they didnt control the costs properly it led to lots of bust suppliers.

We need government action, useless government you say?
Well blame the idiots who thought getting Brexit done was more important than anything else and gave power to a bunch of chancers, who also purged the sensible from amongst their ranks
I'm just glad we are out of the EU at this point. If we were in there would be plenty of morons blaming the EU right now when Farage and DM headlines say its Frances fault for the nukes being offline or some such rubbish
They are not fit for purpose if their hands are tied and they cannot regulate the market in a manor that would be in the interest of consumers. I understand that the cap is in place so that energy prices do not sky rocket beyond the means of many people, but even as they are now, they are already well above what millions of people can afford, and with the move to quarterly increases matters are only going to get worse.

The government do need to step in and either sort it out themselves or give ofgem the means/power necessary to actually do something to help. Don't many EU countries subsidise the energy costs, France do as far as a know. It's still going to a significant impact on the economy either way. Businesses that cannot afford the rising energy costs as well as the general public is going to lead to some serious issues in the next year or two.
What rubbish

Another useless rant. When the UK is currently pulling the EU's chestnuts out of the fire to the tune of 75 million cubic metres of gas per day exported to Belgium and Holland, it is the useless British Government doing it.
The useless British government doing more than Labour said it would do for the worst off in our society and will do so again.

It is a global issue of supply and demand. The EU is as powerless as every other nation in the world and it shows. Where is the powerhouse negotiation on energy prices? Where the solidarity amongst nation states? Why is Germany opening coal mines again and Poland never closed?
As a person living on the second floor of a block of flats what are my options for charging point installation if I wanted an EV?

I am based in Scotland.

There is but it’s more complicated and you’d need to work with the management company on any installation.

A lot will depend on the layout of the flats and where the power is routed and how much is available. Some will be easy and cheap, others not so much.

There are grants available though so you’ll not bear the full cost.

The starting point will be to speak to the management company.
understand that the cap is in place so that energy prices do not sky rocket beyond the means of many people
This current state of affairs isn't what the cap was designed for. It was put there to prevent firms from overcharging people who never switch and therefore sit on a supplier's variable tariff. People who switched regularly were always on better deals. It's not designed for the mess we're in now really.
It wasn't designed for what we have now, but it is preventing energy companies from charging us more, people are unable to switch as the competition in the market has evaporated. Your even discouraged from changing supplier as it would likely cost more than its worth (on their behalf not yours)
I'm just glad we are out of the EU at this point. If we were in there would be plenty of morons blaming the EU right now when Farage and DM headlines say its Frances fault for the nukes being offline or some such rubbish

What you're forgetting is that Bojo and his mates aren't stupid. They can't lose. Didn't do Brexit and its Europes fault, red tape yada yada. Brexit has happened and now its either COVIDs fault or Europe punishing us and making it difficult for us etc etc.

All the idiots who still think Brexit was a good idea would buy it if you told them flying pigs were to blame because they can't fathom the idea that they were wrong.

On the topic of OFGEM, they are literally just doing what they are supposed to do. Stop energy companies charging more than they should based on global markets. If they restricted the price based on any other factor then the government would have to step in to meet the shortfall or all these companies would go bust within a few months.
Another useless rant. When the UK is currently pulling the EU's chestnuts out of the fire to the tune of 75 million cubic metres of gas per day exported to Belgium and Holland, it is the useless British Government doing it.
The useless British government doing more than Labour said it would do for the worst off in our society and will do so again.

It is a global issue of supply and demand. The EU is as powerless as every other nation in the world and it shows. Where is the powerhouse negotiation on energy prices? Where the solidarity amongst nation states? Why is Germany opening coal mines again and Poland never closed?

Lol honestly

The UK government are exporting gas, damn i thought it was the energy companies

Whats it got to do with Labour?

Sounds like another triggered Brexiter.

Germany is opening coal power (im not sure about mines tbh I didnt think they were opening mines at all), becasue they have a partial green government who I think everyone thinks are off their heads in preferring coal to nuclear. But whatever, its their choice.
Poland did close some mines and reduce some usage, but as ever not over night.

What did France do, anything of note?

The EU isnt a nation and energy is a national subject. As I said I know that some weak minded fools would be saying its the Eus fault, thats all.

I'm voting for Rishi btw, you?
The only mistake the EU made as a whole was relying on cheap Russian gas, they were warned about it many times over multiple years but they chose to ignore the advice given (mainly because of who gave it).
The only mistake the EU made as a whole was relying on cheap Russian gas, they were warned about it many times over multiple years but they chose to ignore the advice given (mainly because of who gave it).

But its not an Eu thing
It domestic energy production/usage

Germany for example still have communal sources like many ex soviet places. Its far more common and much like the UK, people don't like paying for change seen as unnecessary.

The EU are kind of "helping" in regards trying to create a coherent plan across the member states but I suspect it will struggle to hold it.
I cannot see most of the domestic politicians really sticking to it when push comes to shove
Lol honestly

The UK government are exporting gas, damn i thought it was the energy companies

Whats it got to do with Labour?

Sounds like another triggered Brexiter.
Exports are from the National Grid but never mind. Government permission was sought and given. I do not know how it works monetarily though. It may not be if winter gets tough.

Labour was mentioned as a comparison with how much the government are helping households in need. There is always more to do however. Perhaps if we had not sacked Boris...

Triggered I am not, glad to have left, I am.
Exports are from the National Grid but never mind. Government permission was sought and given. I do not know how it works monetarily though. It may not be if winter gets tough.

Labour was mentioned as a comparison with how much the government are helping households in need. There is always more to do however. Perhaps if we had not sacked Boris...

Triggered I am not, glad to have left, I am.
Just one question if I may. Could you give a brief summary of the Brexit benefits so far? Something tangible would be nice and not something that may come in the far flung future.
Another useless rant. When the UK is currently pulling the EU's chestnuts out of the fire to the tune of 75 million cubic metres of gas per day exported to Belgium and Holland, it is the useless British Government doing it.
The useless British government doing more than Labour said it would do for the worst off in our society and will do so again.

It is a global issue of supply and demand. The EU is as powerless as every other nation in the world and it shows. Where is the powerhouse negotiation on energy prices? Where the solidarity amongst nation states? Why is Germany opening coal mines again and Poland never closed?

If it's not exported where do you suggest the gas is stored?
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