Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Even in this thread so much mis information

"they" gets used so much.

Its never clear who "they" are.

Bp/she'll etc?
The government?
Scottish Power, British gas etc?

I don't know what you guys are hoping for. That BP out of the goodness of its heart will sell under market? It couldnt.

Oh capitalism.
And where is the money going to come from?
The PMs are not going to pay for it.
Any government help will be paid back by the tax payers at some point.
ultimately it comes down to the fact that when the chips are really down, and they are at the moment, then even as someone who is not normally a socialist, but the fact is, if it is to allow people to eat and keep warm, those with means will have to support those without, which should mean higher taxes for some to cover it... it sucks and will likely affect me as well, but i cant see any other way.

a lot of people are going to need help, and like you say someone has to cover it.

but when i look at how many billions have been wasted by not insuring against rate rises despite being obvious it was coming, by giving dodgy deals and overpaying for companies based on being donors or mates of politicians and not on actual competence (not jsut talking covid here but before that, for instance that satelite navigation scam ) , the track and trace farce and writing off billions from obviously fraudulent use of covid money................. i on one hand know the government needs money from some where but on the other hand find it hard to trust the government wit hany more of my money, and find their complaints of the cup runneth empty after squandering so much to be pretty offensive

I dont have an answer and anyone who says "just do X Y or Z its easy" i think are wrong which ever way they swing politically, ultimately i think we are facing a tough 12 months, but for some it will be truly awful where as for others who are more lucky (like myself so long as i keep my job) it will just suck
If this goes on for years surely the money to pay for energy will run out?

How much debt can a country like the UK take on before the **** really hits the fan?
If this goes on for years surely the money to pay for energy will run out?

How much debt can a country like the UK take on before the **** really hits the fan?
its a good question..... how quickly can uk build more renewable stuff - i think there is quite a lot due to come on stream in the next 6-12 months and how long can Russia hold out? which will come 1st us running out of money or prices settling, or us gettting more self sufficient.

we really need to get away from the cost of renewable energy being linked to the cost of gas for a start.
its a good question..... how quickly can uk build more renewable stuff - i think there is quite a lot due to come on stream in the next 6-12 months and how long can Russia hold out? which will come 1st us running out of money or prices settling, or us gettting more self sufficient.

we really need to get away from the cost of renewable energy being linked to the cost of gas for a start.

I don't think there's anything near.

Quickest significant idea is that cable to Morocco to harness solar there. But it's years away
isnt hornsea 2 and dogger bank due to come online in the next 6 months? surely they will help. i am going from memory but isnt each of those expected to power around 1million homes each (i may be way off sorry if so)
I don't think there's anything near.

Quickest significant idea is that cable to Morocco to harness solar there. But it's years away
The huge windmills being built in the east. (Edit: too slow!)

To be frank, if you want quick deployment there is nothing close to what you can get onshore wind but the NIMBYs would never have it.

We could also beef up the interconnect between Orkney and the mainland. They regularly have to turn some of their generation capacity off because they can’t get it back to the mainland to use elsewhere. The issue is that one wants to pay for it. They are also more than happy to put up more windmills on their island and tidal generation in their waters.
i would happily have a windmil or 3 built on the top of the hill where i live, and i think the locals would accept it too esp if the generation was fed directly into the town ittself and was shared on our bills some how .

maybe that is how people get them built.... planning put in and residents told they will directly save money off them. rich people can say NIMBY and they wont get a discount.
i would happily have a windmil or 3 built on the top of the hill where i live, and i think the locals would accept it too esp if the generation was fed directly into the town ittself and was shared on our bills some how .

maybe that is how people get them built.... planning put in and residents told they will directly save money off them. rich people can say NIMBY and they wont get a discount.
Same, although to be honest I wouldn’t even need to get a discount on my bill. I’d much rather live near some windmills than have a gas/coal/nuclear plant on the horizon.

I live in the country side and there is nothing that spoils it more than industrial scale farming, a few wind turbines isn’t going to change that. No one seems to care about the former for some reason.
I suspect resistance to (logical) on shore is going to plummet as prices get hiked.

I still cannot comprehend the resistance, in a rational way.
Its a bit but birds111! and a bit looks from what I can tell.

I mean I am sure a few birds get wacked. But then the same people who say this seem frankly very much at the opposite end of the scale to those protecting the environment and doing the right thing in that regard. So I come to the conclusion of excuse.
And then looks, so I guess people prefer a nice concrete nuclear station, or some lovely coal fired chimneys then. Or maybe its a tbh I dont care what they look like as long as I cannot see them, full blown NIMBYism. There are so many things that look worse I struggle with this.
Especially when put into perspective of climate change.
@Mercenary Keyboard Warrior given you live in the east you must be familiar with the NIMBYs who are opposed to burying the cables coming from the offshore wind farms?

They are crying about the environment when the alternative is to put them on pylons and run them past their house, utter madness.
@Mercenary Keyboard Warrior given you live in the east you must be familiar with the NIMBYs who are opposed to burying the cables coming from the offshore wind farms?

They are crying about the environment when the alternative is to put them on pylons and run them past their house, utter madness.

Its bizarre actually

There are two groups complaining about it

Originally it was the anti pylon lot who (i agree) dont want the extra negative look of the pylons
The later lot are the ones who disagree with the underground cables due to environmental and want overground pylons

I suspect a collusion so both are rejected ;)
(I dont really)
Its bizarre actually

There are two groups complaining about it

Originally it was the anti pylon lot who (i agree) dont want the extra negative look of the pylons
The later lot are the ones who disagree with the underground cables due to environmental and want overground pylons

I suspect a collusion so both are rejected ;)
(I dont really)
It remember they had one guy on look east who opposed it, he originally started talking about the environment and sounded credible.

He then started banging on about how the EMF could impact his health and by the end of the segment I was surprised he didn’t mention 5G…
It remember they had one guy on look east who opposed it, he originally started talking about the environment and sounded credible.

He then started banging on about how the EMF could impact his health and by the end of the segment I was surprised he didn’t mention 5G…

Yeah TBH I suspect its so far off full planning yet I haven't taken that much notice.
I used to be far closer than I am now.

To me right now, looks is like 99 on the top 100 list in order of importance.
Yes I would like it to be fully underground and I think that also brings some minor advantages in regards potential issues longer term.
But I cannot get excited either way, just get on and approve and build it tbh, and if costs an issue then go above ground, we can always sort these sorts of thing over time as and when the demand comes.

Interesting fact. I used to know a grid live wire guy, was in Scouts with me when we were youngsters. His job was to walk along those wires and inspect them for visible damage. Damn ballsy to move to that as your first job.
Its bizarre actually

There are two groups complaining about it

Originally it was the anti pylon lot who (i agree) dont want the extra negative look of the pylons
The later lot are the ones who disagree with the underground cables due to environmental and want overground pylons

I suspect a collusion so both are rejected ;)
(I dont really)
Let's get this built for a start.

Let's get this built for a start.

In September 2015 planning permission for the wind farm was refused by the Planning Inspectorate, due to the visual impact effect the development would have had on the region – a tourist area which included a World Heritage Site (Jurassic Coast)
Jesus ******* wept. We didn't build a 1GW windfarm because of a visual impact from the coast. Granted resources probably got directed towards other windfarms, so we're probably not an exact 1GW less on supply than otherwise, but it's just ridiculous that we're now burning more and more ridiculously expensive and pollutive gas because people object to seeing wind turbines at sea.

I would love to point my finger in the faces of some of the people who challenged the development.
Same, although to be honest I wouldn’t even need to get a discount on my bill. I’d much rather live near some windmills than have a gas/coal/nuclear plant on the horizon.

I live in the country side and there is nothing that spoils it more than industrial scale farming, a few wind turbines isn’t going to change that. No one seems to care about the former for some reason.
I agree. but then the thought of generating electricity from nothing but wind I find really cool. I think the windmills look fine, don't find the noise too intrusive (I wouldn't have one in my garden). mind you my wife ymwould tell you I am odd . I spend more time that I should working out my solar energy generation and planning the best time to use appliances such as washer etc

when I eventually get an EV I will be like a child gleeful when I charge it from the sun.
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