Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

The producers are legally bound to do the upmost for the shareholders.
Selling below market rates isn’t that

It attracts more customers therefore is beneficial, competition has repeatedly been shown to be healthy for business. Also a looming recession brought about by their pricing isn't exactly going to aid their shareholders.
And where is the money going to come from?
The PMs are not going to pay for it.
Any government help will be paid back by the tax payers at some point.
It will come from the same place as what we've had to do in past economic crisis, taxation and borrowing.

If we are in an economic war with Russia, maybe we need to be looking at bringing in wartime economic measures. Windfall tax on companies that are doing rather well out all this, a one-off wealth tax on those for whom a cost of living crisis is a mere blip on their monthly budget, plus the increased the VAT the treasury has been taking from all these prices going up. I'm sure there are many things that could be done if the government had the will.

Its not like doing nothing doesn't come at a huge cost to the country and not just from reduced spending on luxuries. We learnt from the pandemic that the real backbone of this country are those earning the minimum wage or just above. Do you think people aren't going to massively resent working fulltime and yet still scared to turn the sodding heating on? When a large group of people are bored, cold and resentful then it doesn't take much for trouble to brew.

How much damage could be done to the economy if warehouse workers, delivery drivers, supermarket workers, carers etc decide co-ordinated industrial action is the only way to get a pay increase.

Its in the governments interest to help people through this, especially if they want any chance of winning the next GE.
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Windfall tax on companies that are doing rather well out all this, a one-off wealth tax
Both BP and Shell gave up business worth billions within Russia, far greater oil and gas then anything in the UK presently. It'd be ironic reaction to Russias aggression to mimic their strangle hold and confiscation of private assets and decades of prior investment
Both BP and Shell gave up business worth billions within Russia, far greater oil and gas then anything in the UK presently. It'd be ironic reaction to Russias aggression to mimic their strangle hold and confiscation of private assets and decades of prior investment
Asking them to contribute a bit more during times of economic struggle for millions is not mimicking Russian aggression. Mimicking Russian aggression and confiscating private assets and decades of investment is exactly what we did to Abramavich and co. Ironically.
Well that's a lovely thing to hear first thing in the morning, landlord informed me that the flat next to me (same size) is going up for rent at £850 pcm (nearly double what I am paying) suffice to say, if that becomes my rent, I'll have no choice but to move. No idea where though as the entire area has become unaffordable and with energy set to double it's a cluster **** waiting to happen.
Well that's a lovely thing to hear first thing in the morning, landlord informed me that the flat next to me (same size) is going up for rent at £850 pcm (nearly double what I am paying) suffice to say, if that becomes my rent, I'll have no choice but to move. No idea where though as the entire area has become unaffordable and with energy set to double it's a cluster **** waiting to happen.
Sorry to hear that :(
Well that's a lovely thing to hear first thing in the morning, landlord informed me that the flat next to me (same size) is going up for rent at £850 pcm (nearly double what I am paying) suffice to say, if that becomes my rent, I'll have no choice but to move. No idea where though as the entire area has become unaffordable and with energy set to double it's a cluster **** waiting to happen.
Judging by the majority of responses on here you’re just going to have to earn more money mate. :(

It’s as easy as that people are made homeless through no fault of there own but capitalism rules and this is the game.
Well that's a lovely thing to hear first thing in the morning, landlord informed me that the flat next to me (same size) is going up for rent at £850 pcm (nearly double what I am paying) suffice to say, if that becomes my rent, I'll have no choice but to move. No idea where though as the entire area has become unaffordable and with energy set to double it's a cluster **** waiting to happen.
Not good, I dare say your area is quite expensive too. I think £850 and more is quite common where I am in another touristy area.
Renting is $$$ there is a small 2 bed place next to me that was rented at £1K PCM, my mortgage is half that and it's a 3 bed house!

I suspect that £1k PCM is probably also on the low side now compared to what a new rental would command today on it.
As my boss said when was asking about he was doing about the potential mortgage rate rises and his BTL’s. “Nothing, I treat them as a business and if interest rates rise then I will pass it on to my tenants.”
Not a lot you can do about it.
Been offered 1 yr fix at 38.57p daytime and 8.25p from 9.30pm to 2.30am with 48.64p standing charge from 16th September by my current supplier.

Is that a rate i should grab please?
Not good, I dare say your area is quite expensive too. I think £850 and more is quite common where I am in another touristy area.

It's become that way now, when I moved here 25 years ago it wasn't expensive, businesses in the area are desperate for staff, but the thing is unless they live here already with cheap accomodation, ie living with parents, even renting a room has become unaffordable, looking at £500-550 for just a room these days which is around 40-50% of a national minimum wage workers income. Even those with likely see a rapid increase as other costs force rent increases to cover costs of having bills included etc.
Been offered 1 yr fix at 38.57p daytime and 8.25p from 9.30pm to 2.30am with 48.64p standing charge from 16th September by my current supplier.

Is that a rate i should grab please?
To my uneducated eye that doesn't sound terrible considering the current bat**** crazy times we are living in but wait for someone who knows what they are talking about to come along!
Been offered 1 yr fix at 38.57p daytime and 8.25p from 9.30pm to 2.30am with 48.64p standing charge from 16th September by my current supplier.

Is that a rate i should grab please?

I'd take that probably, who is that with and what is the tariff called?

I'd like a cheap overnight rate for when I get my solar installed, especially for charging battery on cheaper rates.
To my uneducated eye that doesn't sound terrible considering the current bat**** crazy times we are living in but wait for someone who knows what they are talking about to come along!

Yeah, from wehat I have read with the CAP estimated to increase by 70% in October which would make the max unit price 47.6p from october, it looks a cracking deal to me but wanted to double check.

Its still 3 times higher than the fixed deal I am coming out of though :(
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