Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

You have my sympathies, it will be even worse for you living up there, where it will be colder in winter. We can only hope the rich morons in charge actually do something, in between their champagne.

On a serious note seek advice there is some help out there

I am pulling out all the stops to try and find some solution but its like trying to find the winning lottery numbers.
But, I have done all I can think of, I got rid of the car early on and now bike 1hr each way to work, no going out, all supscriptions cancelled (cineworld, amazon, netflix etc) and Im still coming up short.
Currently seeing if I can get a flatshare somewhere as that would atleast free up some cash currently stuck for rent but this close to uni students starting their course its next to impossible to find anything that doesnt involve longer travel journeys.
And I'm working full time, no idea how UC or people worse off than me are faring :(.
Its so utter demoralising all around, no fun allowed in Tory Britain it seems.
People in the past were very well paid to make strategic decisions. Where is the accountability on those people?

Who do you mean specifically that is still in a relevant post and was there a reasonable chance of the current situation being predicted with a high degree of probability to base policy on?

Like covid I suspect not..
Hopefully there will be mass non-payment and the energy companies will go under. Then we'll have to re-nationalise it.

The costs are too high, even for many people on average wages.

At some point things will crack and then either the rich get eaten, or there is a revolution or some kind.
You have my sympathies, it will be even worse for you living up there, where it will be colder in winter. We can only hope the rich morons in charge actually do something, in between their champagne.

Last winter was pretty mild here but I've got a sneaking feeling this winter will be quite harsh. It's been a much cooler summer here than it was last year, so I've no idea if that affects what sort of winter we get but I can't help but think it'll be a colder one.

I've possibly chosen a really bad time to take a 6 month secondment requiring me to work from home too, but it is what it is!
Hopefully there will be mass non-payment and the energy companies will go under. Then we'll have to re-nationalise it.

The costs are too high, even for many people on average wages.

At some point things will crack and then either the rich get eaten, or there is a revolution or some kind.

That will be too expensive for the tories. BPs market cap alone is 80bln

And that's just BP

Just like how companies pay contractors, tories will give some more cash right at the last. It will be the new PMs gift to the electorate
Hopefully there will be mass non-payment and the energy companies will go under. Then we'll have to re-nationalise it.

The costs are too high, even for many people on average wages.

At some point things will crack and then either the rich get eaten, or there is a revolution or some kind.

Will you be a non payer?
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