Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

How well off are they? I have a constant running battle with the missus to try and get her not to **** energy up the wall when it can be avoided. Things like hanging the washing out. Only doing the washing when the weather looks decent so it can be air dried, turning lights out, not running the bath to the point where she will drown and constantly topping up the hot water, using our small and more efficient car instead of the bigger one where possible.

We can afford all these things but come this winter, I reckon we would easily be £500-1000 worse off if she did what she wanted. I don't see the point in wasting money even if you wont struggle without it.
Tell er to pay the bill or pay in kind :D
Onlyfans? :D
I would have a good chuckle if it wasn't so utterly depressing a thought, anyone know how to attract a sugardaddy?
But to bring it back to reality, I have nothing left I can cut, even if I simply didnt buy food at all Im still facing a negative budget each month.
At this rate its cheaper to pay for a funeral than it is paying for the basics of modern life.
Octopus Gas tracker is certainly looking tempting with the current prediction, even at the 16p/kWh rate...

Currently on 7p at the cap, October predicted seems to be almost 15p and January 17p?

Yes it will put my current unit prices up, but it's the middle of summer and other than cooking/hot water/shower, consumption is pretty low (only had the meter fitted last month, but looks like ~300kWh/month)
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I would have a good chuckle if it wasn't so utterly depressing a thought, anyone know how to attract a sugardaddy?
But to bring it back to reality, I have nothing left I can cut, even if I simply didnt buy food at all Im still facing a negative budget each month.
At this rate its cheaper to pay for a funeral than it is paying for the basics of modern life.
Do you have a six pack or a round pack :p
Might do..if they actually worked overtime. At the moment, its tumble dryer, 3 times a day, every day, in 30 degree heat. Its not so much economic sense on their part, as pure laziness. Same reason why they exist almost entirely on stuff like "chicken dippers and chips" because they can shove that in an oven and pick it up 30mins later instead of learning how to actually cook :)
You don't live the other side of my neighbours do you? :p
Funnily enough, due to my employee discount, the cruise we took in June was actually cheaper than living at home for the week.

This is actually a thing in America... A lot of retired people spend most of their time on cruise ships. Nicer than a crappy managed granny flat.
I genuinly will not be able to afford this, despite working full time and renting my own studio flat.
I am utterly terrified, I have nothing else I can cut in my budget.
First world country, aye right!
You have my sympathies, it will be even worse for you living up there, where it will be colder in winter. We can only hope the rich morons in charge actually do something, in between their champagne.
I would have a good chuckle if it wasn't so utterly depressing a thought, anyone know how to attract a sugardaddy?
But to bring it back to reality, I have nothing left I can cut, even if I simply didnt buy food at all Im still facing a negative budget each month.
At this rate its cheaper to pay for a funeral than it is paying for the basics of modern life.
On a serious note seek advice there is some help out there
You have my sympathies, it will be even worse for you living up there, where it will be colder in winter. We can only hope the rich morons in charge actually do something, in between their champagne.
I'm in a similar position to him its rough, the price increases are out shadowing any gains I can make with a job change which is what I am in the middle of now.

The monthly costs are just too much.
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